Homme, toi qui cherches le sens de la vie, qui cherche à être autre chose que ce que l'on a fait de toi, voilà une première règle : la légèreté. Légèreté dans les relations, légèreté dans ce que tu es toi-même en acceptant d'être une pierre à polir, légèreté dans ton élévation. Ne te crispe pas en voulant atteindre des résultats et en ayant peur d'échouer. La légèreté est ce qui se faufile partout et arrive toujours à son but. Légèreté de ce que tu es avec l'autre : telle est la perfection intérieure de l'homme-homme et de l'homme en devenir de Dieu.
O. Manitara
Friday, September 24, 2010
Seat of wisdom
Wisdom is in the air. Don't jump to conclusions. Practice patience. Detach a little bit from the urge to get into conflict. Be an observer instead. When you’re quiet and observing human nature you develop compassion because you see all the ways in which the internal opponent takes over a person’s consciousness. And compassion is the seat of wisdom.
La mesure est nécessaire en toute chose
bonté, car si là aussi on manque de mesure, on en subit
nécessairement les inconvénients. Manquer de mesure n’est ni
méchant ni criminel, mais c’est une faute, et toute faute
entraîne une sanction.
Je vous donnerai un exemple. Je reçois une jeune femme qui me
dit : « Ô Maître, je suis tellement malheureuse ! Je pleure jour et nuit. – Mais pourquoi ? Que vous est-il arrivé ? – Eh bien,
moi qui aimais tellement mon mari, qui prévenais tous ses désirs,
qui l’entourais de tellement d’affection, de chaleur, voilà qu’il
m’a quittée, il est parti avec une de mes amies. – Ah ! Et
comment est-elle, cette amie ? – Oh, elle est égoïste, froide. –
Eh bien, voilà justement le malheur : vous étiez trop chaude, il
est allé se rafraîchir. » Évidemment, on me dira : « Alors, la
bonté, ça ne sert à rien ?… » Malheureusement, la bonté aveugle
peut entraîner quelqu’un dans les pires situations. Même les gens
les plus merveilleux, s’ils ne connaissent pas la mesure,
reçoivent des tuiles sur la tête. Ce n’est pas une punition, non,
mais en ne connaissant pas la mesure ils ont déclenché une loi et
ils reçoivent quelques coups."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
L'homme qui s'éveille essaie de se former
L'homme qui s'éveille essaie de se former, se cherche, tente de trouver dans son monde des affinités et des similitudes avec certaines petites croyances qu'il porte en lui. Mais en faisant cela il n'alimente en lui que le cerveau, ce qui le limite à la science, à la façon de voir le monde qu'ont les hommes d'aujourd'hui. C'est dans son être intérieur que l'homme doit trouver la quintessence pour pouvoir ensuite la mette en pratique. En cela, il nourrit toutes les parties de son corps et ne se limite plus uniquement aux parties associées à son monde extérieur, à son intelligence limitée, à sa capacité de comprendre les choses superficiellement.
Under the pretext that they are working for their country's security
security, scientists think they can justify their most lethal
inventions: they are fulfilling the highest moral obligation.
Well, as far as Initiatic Science is concerned, that's no
argument, for Initiatic Science is a universal science, which
takes no account of borders and accepts no form of limitation. It teaches what is truly good or bad, moral or immoral for the
entire world. So, if we turn to Initiatic Science for an opinion, it will give a clear verdict and will never justify actions which are good for one country and bad for others. In the eyes of Cosmic Intelligence, the important thing is the goal we are working towards and how we use the energies and
talents given to us. Therefore, only someone who rallies all their resources for the coming of the kingdom of God in the world wins heaven's approval and is accepted and glorified on high."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
You are Beings who intend to come forth and to continue to expand and grow and change
You are Beings who intend to come forth and to continue to expand and grow and change. What is the perfect age? "Well, it's the age where I finally understand my freedom, and I finally understand that I am free to create, and it's the age that I am at my most beautiful." And we say, by whose standards? In other words, who gets to decide the perfect age? And we say, rather than determining what the perfect age is, why not decide what the perfect state of being is—and then discover that you can find the perfect state of being at any age.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 10th, 2003 #506
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 10th, 2003 #506
Defiant Darkness
chaos after the fact
An amazing thing about the world in which we live is the random things that seem to happen aren’t ever really random. And these ‘random’ things don’t happen to us. They happen for us. Yet we only see the hidden order in chaos after the fact. If only we could see it in the moment…
Y.Berg (adapted)
Y.Berg (adapted)
Black Holes
To an astrophysicist:
In recent years, astronomers have discovered that not all stars shine. There are some stars of such tremendous density that instead of radiating outwards, they only draw light in. Therefore, they have named these stars, "Black Holes."
Fortunately, the universe has enough Black Holes already. If you have light, shine forth.
T. Freeman
In recent years, astronomers have discovered that not all stars shine. There are some stars of such tremendous density that instead of radiating outwards, they only draw light in. Therefore, they have named these stars, "Black Holes."
Fortunately, the universe has enough Black Holes already. If you have light, shine forth.
T. Freeman
Beauty cannot be touched. It cannot be described or explained. The more we uncover Beauty, the more it eludes us.
Beauty is where the world makes a window for the light of the Infinite to shine in.
T. Freeman
Beauty is where the world makes a window for the light of the Infinite to shine in.
T. Freeman
The System
The common conception of how the system works is faulty.
They see a career as "making a living". A career doesn't make anything.
What you receive is generated above, in a spiritual realm. Your business is to set up a channel to allow that spiritual reservoir to flow into the material world.
They see a career as "making a living". A career doesn't make anything.
What you receive is generated above, in a spiritual realm. Your business is to set up a channel to allow that spiritual reservoir to flow into the material world.
No one experiences freedom until they stop pushing against others.
No one experiences freedom until they stop pushing against others. The only thing that binds you is the pushing against that which is unwanted. And so, if a religion could just be excited about what it is, or a person within a religion could just speak with appreciation about what it is, without justifying what it is by pushing against everything else, then each religion, in all of its difference, could be just exactly what you're reaching for.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday, December 8th, 2001 #522
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday, December 8th, 2001 #522
The Metaphor
Everything we see about us is but a reflection of that which is above.
A king in our world reflects dominion above.
The sweetness of a fruit reflects the sweetness of the wisdom above.
The form of the human body reflects the inner structure of the cosmos, so that each limb and organ parallels a particular Divine force.
Each of these things descends from its Godly place into our material realm to take tangible form—so that we can grasp those Godly concepts from which they extend.
Even those inventions that only arose in the modern era were hidden all this time within the Creation, waiting for us to discover them and reconnect them with their Godly source and meaning.
T. Freeman
A king in our world reflects dominion above.
The sweetness of a fruit reflects the sweetness of the wisdom above.
The form of the human body reflects the inner structure of the cosmos, so that each limb and organ parallels a particular Divine force.
Each of these things descends from its Godly place into our material realm to take tangible form—so that we can grasp those Godly concepts from which they extend.
Even those inventions that only arose in the modern era were hidden all this time within the Creation, waiting for us to discover them and reconnect them with their Godly source and meaning.
T. Freeman
The Ark
There is a raging storm at sea. There are hellish waves that crash and pound at the shore, carrying all away, leaving desolation behind.
The sea is the world of making a living. The waves are the stress and anxiety of indecision, not knowing which way to turn, on what to rely. Up and down, hot and cold -- constantly churning back and forth.
Do as Noah did and build an ark. "An ark" - which means also "a word.".....and let the waters lift you up, rather than drown you with everything else.
T.Freeman (edited)
The sea is the world of making a living. The waves are the stress and anxiety of indecision, not knowing which way to turn, on what to rely. Up and down, hot and cold -- constantly churning back and forth.
Do as Noah did and build an ark. "An ark" - which means also "a word.".....and let the waters lift you up, rather than drown you with everything else.
T.Freeman (edited)
The Mighty Waters
When the Mighty Waters cover your head, suffocating the soul and the flame that burnt inside... When raging torrents of confusion drag you away in their current, ripping you from your hold on Life... Look deeper. Beyond the soul. For the soul itself, as well as the flame it holds, are rooted in a serene Godly World of Emanation, a world of quietness and sublime harmony. But the turbulence of this world is rooted even beyond that, stemming from a World of Confusion, of light unbounded and untamed, before the orderly emanation of defined being, "--and the world was confused and void, with darkness over the face of the deep." So you must dig deeper than those roots, to find the coals from which the flame arose and the flint rock from which the spark was struck. Deeper, until you reach the primordial essence of the soul, beyond Emanation, beyond Light -even beyond the unbounded light of pre-creation. Where there is nothing but the seminal thought which inspired all that is and was and will come to be. And what was that thought? It was the thought of you here and now, in your struggle with this world, and the delicious taste of your victory. And, since in that thought there is no past and future, there, in that thought, you have already won.
T. Freeman
You leave traces of yourself on everything you touch
"You leave traces of yourself on everything you touch. And the fact that someone's identity can be discovered by means of their fingerprints and that no two prints in the whole world are alike is ample proof that the hand can express a person's unique character. Everything that passes through your hands becomes imbued with your fluids, your emanations, and transmits something of the quintessence of your being. When you give someone a gift, you are already communicating something of yourself by means of this object, and if you live a disorderly life the object is going to pass on the negative waves you have unknowingly introduced into it. Even if the object you are offering is magnificent and expensive, the person who receives it will not benefit from it. So, you yourself are more important than the object you give; be very aware of that.
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Hit Rock Bottom
People break when they break. A person has to hit rock bottom to want to change. You can’t guide them to hit rock bottom, but you can wait for them and be there to support them when they do. Allow people the space for their process to unfold, and be there for them when it comes undone.
Y. Berg
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