"The truths expressed in the Bible were the experience of
exceptional souls. In order to understand them ourselves, we must
strive to follow these beings up to the realms they themselves
were able to reach, that is to say, share their vision. In order
to interpret Jesus' parables, for example, it is not enough to
analyse the texts. We need another science, the science of
symbols, which can only be acquired through exercising the
faculties of the soul and spirit.
We will understand the sacred texts when we are able to resonate
on the same wavelength as those who wrote them. Otherwise, their
language, their true language, will remain foreign to us. We must
feel what they themselves felt, live what they themselves lived,
that is to say, rise up to their level of consciousness - that is
where the light really shines out! But this raised level of
consciousness can only be attained if we improve our way of life,
if we show more concern and more respect for the laws of the
spiritual world."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov