Saturday, November 6, 2010

The quality of patience involves tolerance.

"The quality of patience involves tolerance. Yes, but there are
many ways of tolerating. You may be exasperated by certain
actions or words, and even if you remain motionless and silent
you may be boiling inside with feelings of anger and rebellion.
This happens, especially when you have to be subjected to the
authority of someone senior to you: even if they take advantage
of the situation, you don't move, you say nothing, knowing that
if you retorted you would only make matters worse. But then, you
chew over your grievances for hours, you fret and it hurts. Well,
that is not what patience is.
Patience, true patience, is accompanied by a sense of strength
and peace, so it implies considerable previous inner work. You
have to have acquired a great deal of wisdom before you can
eventually be patient."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

No Strings

When we have agendas our judgment is distorted and our vision becomes selective. We see what we want to see and conveniently ignore the rest. 

Giving up our agenda always requires some discomfort. But God has a bigger and better plan for us than we could ever imagine for our self. All that is requested is that we trust.
