Saturday, September 25, 2010

To Live And Just Be Happy

Everything seems so stable to us in this world, like a habitual cradle for a little child. However, we need to come out of it and check if it’s really so reliable.
Most importantly, we need to come out of the influence of society. If a person comes out into the so-called “temporary dwelling,” that is, he builds a new environment for himself in order to become independent and see this world from afar, like from space, then he draws even closer to the Light. It’s important to reveal the world “on the other side” (on the other side of egoism) without changing anything in “this life,” to rationally evaluate our world as temporary, and add the permanent one to it by uniting with the Creator.
This world is given to us only so that we could value the Creator’s world as the perfect one. In order to rejoice in this world and in the next one, we need to assimilate the Upper World while being in our current state. This is achieved by altering the importance of reception to bestowal, changing waste into essence, and the permanent into the temporary. We need to switch them around and discover harmony and perfection.
Michael Laitman PHD


Peace doesn't begin with fund-raising dinners, politics, wars, intellectual debate or organizations that have appointed themselves to represent the people. Peace begins with the reflection in the mirror.

Personal peace is a powerful cause of world peace. Personal peace and personal health lead to global peace and global health. Everything is interconnected.


A good and obedient child is obviously a delight for adults

"A good and obedient child is obviously a delight for adults; they exclaim, 'Oh, isn't he sweet!... Isn't she adorable!' Of course,it's easier to deal with a child who keeps still when told not to
move, who doesn't talk when told to be quiet, and so on. But what will such a nice, obedient child do later in life? Not a lot, that's for sure; they will always be unremarkable. 
A wilful, unruly child, on the other hand, causes upset for
those around them, and their parents, neighbours and teachers are always lamenting, 'Oh, really, he is going too far!... Look what she's done now!' Yes, but the child everyone finds tiresome and a nuisance has so much more potential to become somebody. At present they are seen as insufferable, but when they have learned to channel their energies they will stand out because of their character and their talents. And their parents and teachers, whose task it is to bring out their qualities, must help them to
do so."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Bien rarement les hommes conduisent une pensée, une compréhension vers l'accomplissement

Bien rarement les hommes conduisent une pensée, une compréhension vers l'accomplissement ultime, vers la plénitude. Alors c'est la frustration et la maladie, l'insatisfaction, non seulement pour l'homme, mais aussi pour les mondes invisibles entourant l'homme. Car eux non plus ne peuvent goûter le chemin de la perfection et de la Lumière. C'est un mécontentement grandissant autour de l'homme, qui sans cesse le rappelle à l'ordre, le sollicite, lui rappelant qu'il a dit ceci, qu'il a commencé cela, qu'il s'est engagé sur tel chemin. Ces forces spirituelles avec lesquelles l'homme s'est associé restent bloquées tant qu'il n'a pas conduit sa promesse jusqu'au bout. C'est un karma sombre qui s'accumule au-dessus de sa tête, l'écrase et l'affaiblit.

O. Manitara

Donne-toi les conditions

Donne-toi les conditions pour que ta vie soit conforme à ce que tu es au plus profond de toi. Ne cherche pas ce qui est compliqué et loin de toi, bien au contraire, associe-toi avec ce qui allège ta vie et l'élève vers le Plus Haut. Ne porte pas le monde autour de toi. Ne prends pas en charge les problèmes des autres, mais règle ta difficulté, prends en charge ta vie pour offrir une oeuvre à la Lumière. Lorsque deux personnes s'enfoncent dans les sables mouvants, qui les sauvera ? Si au moins une a eu la sagesse de ne pas y entrer, elle pourra aider l'autre à s'en sortir. Sois celui qui sort l'autre du sable mouvant sans y aller toi-même. Tu pourras réellement accomplir une oeuvre de Lumière et tu seras fidèle aux commandements divins.

O. Manitara

Essential peace

There are three ways to bring unity between two opposites:

The first is by introducing a power that transcends both of them and to which they both utterly surrender their entire being.
They are then at peace with each other because they are both under the influence of the same force.

But their being is not at peace -- their being is simply ignored.

The second way is by finding a middle ground where the two beings meet. The two are at peace where they meet on that middle ground -- but the rest of their territory remains apart and distant.

The third way is to reveal that the essence of every aspect of the two beings is one and the same.


It is generally believed that only adult humans really possess intelligence.

"It is generally believed that only adult humans really possess
intelligence. They do, of course, and in a way that is
particularly obvious, but actually there is already intelligence
in new-borns, even in animals, although in a way that still
remains a mystery to science. Intelligence exists in a variety of
forms throughout the universe. The earth is intelligent, and the
sun is also intelligent, even the most intelligent being of all,yes, because it is the most alive of all beings. You will say,
' More alive than we are?' In a way, yes, more alive than we are.
Obviously, if you go around telling people the sun is the most
intelligent created being, you'll be laughed at. And yet, the
proof is there: since it is the sun that gives humans life, it
must be more alive than they are. If the sun were not there to
give out its warmth and light, there would be no life on earth
and, therefore, no intelligence or love."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov