Tuesday, February 15, 2011

human being is a part of a whole

“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited 
in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as 
something separated from the rest ... a kind of optical delusion of his 
consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to 
our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our 
task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of 
compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its 


There is, of course, the misplaced argument that humanity has advanced dramatically in the areas of technology

There is, of course, the misplaced argument that humanity has advanced 
dramatically in the areas of technology, medicine, the physical sciences, 
etc. Such an approach merely avoids the prime issues, to wit: In what 
manner have any of these advances actually improved how human 
beings relate to each other? With these advances, why do we still 
experience war, famine, terrorism, natural disasters, increased drug 
abuse, and the seemingly inexplicable levels of brutality that humans 
manage to suffer upon each other? Why do these events occur? Is there a 
purpose behind any of it? There is, of course, the misplaced argument that humanity has advanced 
dramatically in the areas of technology, medicine, the physical sciences, 
etc. Such an approach merely avoids the prime issues, to wit: In what 
manner have any of these advances actually improved how human 
beings relate to each other? With these advances, why do we still 
experience war, famine, terrorism, natural disasters, increased drug 
abuse, and the seemingly inexplicable levels of brutality that humans 
manage to suffer upon each other? Why do these events occur? Is there a 
purpose behind any of it? 

"The Creator and  The Creation"
(Compiled by Rob Taylor)

Who Owns Truth

A sharp mind will find a truth for itself.
A humble spirit will find a truth higher than itself.
Truth is not the property of intellectuals, but of those who know how to escape their own selves.

T. Freeman

When will people understand that they are not separate individuals

"When will people understand that they are not separate
individuals but form a part of the great body of God, of which
they each represent one cell? So, when they behave badly towards
their neighbours, thinking that they are strangers, foreign to
them, and can be mistreated with impunity, they are mistaken. The
truth is that there is a connection between all living creatures,
as there is between all the cells of the physical body. When we
harm others, we are harming ourselves too, even if we feel
nothing at the time. In the same way, when we are good to them,
we are also being good to ourselves.
I expect you have had this experience – if someone you love
suffers or someone hits them, it is as if you yourself had
received the blows, and if something happens to make them happy,
you rejoice as though it had happened to you. Why? Because
instinctively, intuitively, you entered into an awareness of
oneness. And this very awareness is the basis of all true
morality.   "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Si aujourd'hui un évènement te touche

Si aujourd'hui un évènement te touche, c'est souvent qu'il y a une résonance, que toi-même - dans cette vie ou dans une autre - as provoqué cette situation. Il est difficile de connaître la raison cachée derrière les évènements mais il faut savoir que rien n'arrive jamais par hasard.

O. Manitara

Do your best to live today well

"Do your best to live today well, for tomorrow does not yet exist,
and by worrying about it, it is as if you are throwing yourself
into empty space, and you are likely to lose yourself. It is
today you must work on, for today does not die; it just gets
longer, until it becomes tomorrow.
Jesus said, ‘Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will
bring worries of its own.’ This tells us we have to meditate on
the idea of duration, of continuity. A chainmaker has to check
each link for strength, for if a single link is weak and breaks
it makes no difference that the others are holding fast – the
whole chain is broken. So we must live each day according to the
divine laws and make this day into a strong link so that the
chain does not break. Today is a new link that must be added to
the others, and it is this link we must concentrate on."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Derrière chaque évènement ...

Derrière chaque évènement que l'homme est amené à vivre il y a toujours une ouverture, une porte qui permet de résoudre, de montrer la sagesse, de guérir, d'acquérir quelque chose, de transformer, de libérer. Bien sûr, l'homme ne comprend pas forcément, surtout lorsque c'est une épreuve. Parfois il faut du temps.

O. Manitara