Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to Not Listen

As a person behaves here below, so he is treated above.

Perhaps someone once tried to tell you about the ugly deeds of another. Perhaps you responded, "I'm not interested." And you didn't listen.

Then there will be a time when a heavenly being will wish to report on your doings here on earth. If you have had the guts to respond this way, God will also say, "I'm not interested. I don't want to even listen."

T. Freeman

Artists are creators

"Artists are creators and produce works, and that's wonderful! But
it isn't enough; they must also be concerned with what they
themselves emanate. True art consists in making one's life and
one's whole being a work of art, in which everything will be
poetry, music and light - a harmony of colour, form and movement.
And the art of the future will consist in helping human beings
understand how they can rediscover their original face, the face
of the Divinity. Much time, effort and work will be needed to
reach that point. But you should not let the issue of time stop
you, for although people's worldly creations do not belong to
them - they have to give them up at the time of death - the work
they have undertaken to do on themselves lives on forever."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Who This Really Is

What you see of a person, you may not like.

Yet who this person really is, you can never know.

As for the Godly soul inside—it is the unknowable itself.

Speak to that: Look past the outer shell and talk to the unknowable inside. Only from there can come real change.

T. Freeman

Daily Refreshments

"But I live within time. Every day I am older."

Each day you are new. Each morning you are born to life again. Do you not eat again each day as though you have never eaten before? Do you not thirst as though you have never drunk water?

"For food I am hungry. But for wisdom I feel no thirst."

Look at those who are wise. See how they lap up wisdom each day like those who have never eaten before. You will do so as well--and soon you too will be healthy.

T. Freeman (adapted)

The sun is called 'the light of the universe'

"The sun is called 'the light of the universe', for it lights up
the world, and it is thanks to its light that we can see. When
the sun is not shining on us, we need other sources of light:
electric light-bulbs, candles, torches, lighthouses, and so on.
Objects, therefore, are only visible to the extent that a light
is shining on them and lighting them up; this law applies to the
physical world and to the spiritual world, too. But in the
spiritual world, there is no light to switch on, the way we
switch on the stair light or bedroom light, and if we want to
see, it is up to us to shine a light. The reason why so few
people are able to see on the spiritual plane is that they wait
for objects to be lit up, when it is up to them to shine the rays
that will allow them to see. "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

De nombreux tremblements de terre, inondations, épidémies et bien d'autres situations

« De nombreux tremblements de terre, inondations, épidémies et bien d'autres situations que les hommes considèrent comme des catastrophes naturelles font office d'avertissements. Ce n'est pas encore une condamnation, mais juste un avertissement. Il faut être conscient que tant que ces événements arrivent à l'extérieur de l'homme, cela signifie que tout peut être encore réparé. Mais lorsque ces tremblements de terre, ces raz-de-marée, ces épidémies seront à l'intérieur du psychisme de l'homme, ce sera vraiment la grande confusion et nous approcherons de la fin. L'homme doit absolument comprendre qu'il va vers une destruction globale et il faut que maintenant, sans perdre de temps, il arrête ce processus terrible. En tout cas, il faut qu'il le freine et qu'il commence à entrer dans une autre conscience. Ce n'est pas une simple demande, c'est une exigence, une nécessité vitale. »

O. Manitara

Life in words

Not with toil and not with struggle, but by the word of His mouth did the One Above create His world.

Not with toil and not with struggle, but with words of wisdom and kindness does He require we sustain it.

If so, what is the effort He demands from us?

That we invest our very essence in those words, as He invested His very essence within this world He made.



Everyone in your life was specially summoned to help you think and feel things you have never thought or felt before.
The Universe.

Since the Lord possesses all virtues

"Since the Lord possesses all virtues, he also possesses all the
riches of the universe. In accordance with this law, in the
distant past, when the original order of things was respected,
material wealth went only to those who possessed spiritual
riches, while those who were inwardly poor were also materially
poor. We no longer see this order respected on earth, but as the
law is absolute (as above, so below) this order will one day be
restored, and each person will find their place: those who are
rich in intelligence, kindness and nobleness will receive the
corresponding material wealth, thanks to which they will be able
to flourish and do good. As for those who do not have these
qualities - they will have to make do with little.
Obviously, it will not be up to human beings to restore this
order, for they do not know who is deserving and who is not; it
will be the work of Cosmic Intelligence, for the law of
correspondences is an immutable law of the universe."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Celui qui parvient à s'éveiller dans l'être du présent

Celui qui parvient à s'éveiller dans l'être du présent devient semblable à la source : il découvre la force qui est en lui. Et rien ne peut troubler celui qui sait faire jaillir la source en lui. La vie est une source pure et sacrée qui coule en permanence. Celui qui réussit à s'unir à la source du présent trouve le Divin qui l'habite et n'est plus sujet au conditionnement extérieur ; il devient libre.


Two wolves fighting

This story is something I heard while traveling around, and it’s such a powerful lesson that I believe it deserves repeating. I don’t know its origin.

Inside each of us two wolves are fighting. One wolf represents anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, and resentment. The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, truth, and compassion. This same fight is going on inside of you, and me and every other person. 

Which wolf will win? 

The one you feed most. 
Y. Berg