Double Concealment (concealment inside concealment)
In this state the person does not even feel the opposite side of the Creator,
cannot perceive anything as coming from Him. He feels that the Creator
abandoned him, disregards him completely. He attributes suffering to destiny
and blind nature. Being confused by the Creatorʼs attitude to him, man loses
When the person prays about his misfortunes and performs good deeds, but
receives no response.
After he stops praying he suddenly receives an answer.
As the person begins to believe in the Divine Providence and corrects his
actions he is ruthlessly thrown back.
As he stops believing and commits evil deeds, luck comes his way and he
feels peace.
Money is gained by crooked ways.
It seems that those who aspire to the Creator are poor, sick, despised,
uncivilized, stupid hypocrites.
Those who do not seek the Creator seem to be prosperous, healthy, calm,
clever, kind, amiable and self-assured.
When the Divine Providence invokes such a feeling, the person wishes to
forget that suffering comes from the Creator. This leads him to loss of faith in
the Creatorʼs rule over the creation and compels him to believe that everything
happens at natureʼs whim.
Single Concealment
The Creator is concealed, i.e. He manifests not as absolutely kind, but as the
One who brings suffering. The person seems to see the opposite side of the
Creator, since he only receives sufferings from Him. He nevertheless believes
that everything that comes to him is for a reason, that the Creator treats him
this way to punish him for his evil actions or to lead him goodness. Thus he
strengthens his faith in the Creatorʼs supervision.
The person is poor, sick and despised by people. He is anxious and nothing
seems to be right in his life.
Although in concealment, the personʼs faith in the Creatorʼs rule over the
world grows stronger. This leads him to books from which he receives the
light of correction and an understanding of how to strengthen his faith in the
Creatorʼs rule.
When his effort to believe in the Creatorʼs Providence reaches sufficient
measure allowing the light of correction to influence him, he becomes ready
for the Creatorʼs rule over him in the state of revelation. The Creator reveals
Himself to all of His created beings as the “Good and Kind One” in
accordance with their desires.
The person feels the Creatorʼs goodness, peace, constant satisfaction, earns
enough money without effort, knows no troubles and ailments; he is respected
and successful.
If he wishes something, he prays and immediately receives it from the
The more good deeds he performs, the more successful he becomes and vice
versa, the less good he does, the less successful he becomes.
The person sees that all those who aspire for correction are well-to-do,
healthy, respected, calm and amiable, while those who neglect correction are
poor, sick, contemptible, stupid, uncultured hypocrites.
Baal HaSulam