Friday, March 4, 2011

Investing in Earth

Why are you afraid? Why do you panic?
Your soul plunged downward to live in an earthly realm, to enwrap herself in a body of flesh and blood, willingly and with purpose.
What emboldened her? What drew her to squeeze
into the straitjacket of time and space?

It was neither fear, nor dread, nor panic.
It was the knowledge that here below
is a beauty the highest of angels cannot touch

Care for yourself, for your family, for your fellow human beings and our lovely planet earth,
not out of fear, nor from distress,

but out of love and awe
for the beauty within
that we came to uncover.


If you want to do something wrong

"If you want to do something wrong, you instinctively feel you
should hide, so as not to be caught and punished. And if you want
to do something good, you think it is fine to be seen! Some
people, out of vanity, even flaunt themselves, thus provoking
opposition and arousing spite and jealousy. If you are thinking
of making someone a gift, again, be careful: it might be better
if there were no witnesses. And sometimes it would even be
preferable for the person you are benefiting not to know where it
came from, for your gesture may provoke unexpected reactions from
In all your dealings with others, try to take into account the
complex relationship between each person’s lower and higher

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Avant de naître

Avant de naître, l'homme vit avec le but de son âme mais lorsqu'il prend un corps, il tombe sous l'influence d'un autre ciel qui l'accapare. Il est alors séparé de son âme et un autre monde l'anime, lui tissant une destinée qui n'est plus en accord avec un ciel supérieur. C'est pourquoi il est perdu, ne sait plus qui il est, ni ce qu'il doit faire. Il se contente d'obéir et de renforcer sa vie dans le cadre qui lui est proposé. Une telle attitude engendre de grands troubles car elle crée un profond déséquilibre.


Whole and Half

To become one with another person,
you must first recognize that you are only half.

To become one with the Infinite, you must give Him your all,
knowing always that it is but a broken half.


No manifestation can exist in isolation

"No manifestation (whether of an event, an action, a feeling, a
wish or a thought) can exist in isolation, with no connection to
any other phenomena. Every manifestation has a cause and produces
effects of greater or lesser importance and distance in time. You
can observe this habitually in your everyday life. Suppose you
have had a good day, but now, just as you are going to bed,
something happens that makes you feel sad or discouraged. On
waking the next day, you notice that everything good you
experienced the day before has been erased, to be replaced by
what you experienced as you went to sleep, and you are left with
the painful impression.
You will say, ‘But how is it possible for that unpleasant moment
to erase a whole day spent in harmony and peace?’ Well, it is
precisely because nothing remains without consequence, and
anything uncomfortable experienced at the end of one day will
make itself felt into the next if you do nothing to neutralize
it. So, beware; watch your state of mind when you are about to
fall asleep."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov