Saturday, September 24, 2011

God formed Man, but He built Woman.

God formed Man, but He built Woman.

She is the framework of the home in which he lives, the ground on which he builds, his walls and windows upon the world and the roof that stands over his head.

She is the crown that sets him to rule over his world. Without woman, there is no man.

T. Freeman

Power of speech

"There is a great deal that could be said about the power of
speech – how it creates forms, how it acts on the psychic and
physical organs not only of those being spoken about but also of
those speaking and of those hearing what is said. Knowing how to
be fair, moderate and precise when we speak is one of the
greatest qualities there is.
 We write with a pen, but we also write with our tongue. Our
every word is a letter addressed not only to human beings but to
all the entities living in nature. Regardless of who you are
addressing, you should try to speak with a golden tongue. Yes,
for the human tongue can be made of various materials – lead,
copper, iron, pewter, silver or gold. A golden tongue brings
souls light and peace."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Le corps que nous avons

Le corps que nous avons est un corps qui nous a été donné à la naissance, mais comme nous ne sommes pas nés dans une tradition de la Lumière, nos corps subtils ont été accaparés par des mondes invisibles que nous ne connaissons pas. Ces mondes, nous les nommons sans les connaître. Nous parlons de la pensée, des sentiments, mais nous n'avons pas rendu conscients ces mondes, nous ne les avons pas nettoyés. Nous n'avons pas éveillé ces mondes, en regardant réellement ce qui était caché derrière eux, pour nous faire un corps sur la terre. Si nous voulons avoir des corps subtils, nous devons les reconquérir.


They have banished God into exile

"They have banished God into exile.
They have decreed He is too holy,too transcendent to belong in our world.They have determined He does not belong within the ordinary, in the daily run of things.And so they have driven Him out of His garden, to the realm of prayer and meditation, to the sanctuaries and the secluded places of hermits. They have sentenced the Creator to exile and His creation they have locked in a dark, cold prison.And He pleads, "Let me come back to my garden, to the place in which I found delight when it all began."

T. Freeman

Out of diversity is born a perfect harmony.

"We are all individual beings, each with our own life. But we are
not alone; we are part of a whole, and the issue we face is how
to reconcile the demands of our individual life with those of
collective life.
Each individual is special. Cosmic Intelligence created such a
diversity of creatures, and we must not try to put them all on
one level and make them all the same. Everyone has the right to
express their differences, their originality, provided they are
in tune with the whole, as in an orchestra. What a difference
there is in shape, material and sound between the violin, cello,
piano, oboe, flute, harp, trumpet, cymbals and bass drum! But out
of this diversity is born a perfect harmony."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov