Monday, October 4, 2010

Intelligence Liberated

Blind faith is intellect's most deadliest foe. Intellect that would surrender to faith has forfeited its very nature, its right to be.

True faith, however, is not blind. On the contrary, it is an affinity with that which is higher than its own being, a sense of nothingness before the Infinite. It carries a vision that cannot be attained by intellect on its own, yet one that opens windows for the mind, so that it too can see beyond its own self and choose from a higher perspective.

And so, the mind that fears faith will choose that which is best for itself, while the mind that has found a partner in that higher vision will choose truth that is absolute.


Another Chance

There’s no such thing as defeat.

There’s always another chance. To believe in defeat is to believe that there is something, a certain point in time that did not come from Above.

Know that God doesn't have failures. If things appear to worsen, it is only as part of them getting better. We only fall down in order to bounce back even higher


L'arbre s'est élevé vers le ciel à partir du sol

L'arbre s'est élevé vers le ciel à partir du sol et l'homme s'est développé sur la terre en prenant racine dans le ciel des Anges, des hautes pensées divines. A bien y regarder, l'homme est un arbre inversé. Il puise sa substance nourricière dans le royaume de l'esprit infini et universel et
offre ses fruits à la terre par ses pieds qui en marquent le sol.

O. Manitara

Is God in Heaven?

People imagine that since God is not physical, therefore He must be in heaven. But the heavens -- and all things spiritual -- are just as much creations as the earth. Less dissonant, more harmonious, more lucid -- but finite realms nonetheless.

God is not found due to the capacity of a place, but by His desire to be there. And what He desires most is to be found in the work of our hands, fixing up His world.

In the heavens is God's light. In the work of our hands dwells God Himself, the source of all light.


Freedom of Will

We are all captives of our egoistic nature. Freeing ourselves means to overstep the limits of our world and enter the Upper Reality. Since we are entirely in this world’s grip, we can get free only if, in spite of our natural egoistic environment, we artificially surround ourselves with people, who share our views and aspirations, and fall under the power of the environment ruled by the laws of the Upper World. Freeing ourselves from the egoistic bonds and revealing the property of bestowal is our realization of free will.

Freedom of Will
Michael Laitman, PhD

There are no mysteries, ever

There are no mysteries, ever -- once you understand these points: Well-being abounds. You are the natural recipient of Well-being. You get to ask -- and Source Energy is answering -- and all you need to do is be in the place of allowing. Once you get those things lined up and you've had an opportunity to practice them, here and there, everything makes sense to you. Everything makes sense in your life, and everything makes sense in the lives of those that you are watching. Because as you know their moods and attitudes, you understand exactly why things are turning out for them the way they are. There are no mysteries ever!
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, August 18th, 2001 #583

We can either be egoists or altruists

We can either be egoists or altruists, either think of ourselves or think of others. There are no other options. Freedom of choice is possible when both options are clearly visible and equally appealing (or unappealing).
If I can only see one option, I will have to follow it. Therefore, to choose freely, I have to see my own nature and the Creator’s nature.

Kabbalah Revealed
Michael Laitman, PhD

"Money and material possessions - that's what we hear everyone asking for.

"Money and material possessions - that's what we hear everyone
asking for. Even heaven is snowed under by such requests and
cannot respond. Of course, 'cannot respond' is only a manner of
speaking: if heaven sees fit, it is always able to give everyone
what they want immediately. But is there nothing better to ask
for than material satisfaction?
Heaven is certainly willing to accept your requests, but it is
waiting for you to ask for light, love and wisdom, which will
also allow you to help your family and friends. Ask for the
strength to fulfil the will of God, ask to participate in the
coming of his kingdom of peace, love and eternal life on earth.
As such prayers are extremely rare, heaven will say, 'Ah! There's
someone who isn't like all the others! Let's deal with them
first; let's give them the satisfaction.' To the other requests,
however, it will reply, 'Be patient; we'll see about that later!'"

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

The system is incomplete if even a single element in it is missing or deficient

The system is incomplete
if even a single element in it is missing or deficient,
be it a mineral, a plant, or an animal.
An eye-opening report submitted to the U.S.
Department of Education in October, 2003 by
Irene Sanders and Judith McCabe, PhD, clearly
demonstrates what happens when we breach
nature’s balance. “In 1991, an orca—a killer
whale—was seen eating a sea otter. Orcas and
otters usually coexist peacefully. So, what happened?
Ecologists found that ocean perch and
herring were also declining. Orcas don’t eat those
fish, but seals and sea lions do. And seals and sea
lions are what orcas usually eat, and their population
had also declined. So deprived of their seals
and sea lions, orcas started turning to the playful
sea otters for dinner.
So otters have vanished because the fish,
which they never ate in the first place, have
vanished. Now, the ripple spreads, otters are no
longer there to eat sea urchins, so the sea urchin
population has exploded. But sea urchins live off
seafloor kelp forests, so they’re killing off the kelp.
Kelp has been home to fish that feed seagulls and
eagles. Like orcas, seagulls can find other food, but
bald eagles can’t and they’re in trouble.
All this began with the decline of ocean
perch and herring. Why? Well, Japanese whalers
have been killing off the variety of whales that eat
the same microscopic organisms that feed pollock
[a type of carnivorous fish]. With more fish to eat,
pollock flourish. They in turn attack the perch and
herring that were food for the seals and sea lions.
With the decline in the population of sea lions
and seals, the orcas must turn to otters.”

Michael Laitman
"Bail Yourself Out"

We all have dreams

We all have dreams, and we all wish for them
to come true. But the sad truth is that we never
feel that we have realized all our dreams because
even if we fulfill them, new ones step in to replace
those we have fulfilled. As a result, we never feel satisfied.
And the more we strive for wealth, power,
fame, and everything else we deem pleasurable, the
more dissatisfied we become, and the more disillusioned.
Thus, the more we have, the more frustrated
and disillusioned we are because we will have tried
harder to find happiness and will have failed more
often, and possibly more bitterly. This explains
why richer countries generally suffer from higher
depression rates.
Ironically, there is a positive aspect to depression.
It is an indication that we have given up on
Nimrod’s way of focusing solely on our desire to
receive. People who are depressed are those who
see no prospect of joy or happiness in the future.
They are too experienced in life’s failures to be
lured into yet another failed attempt at happiness.
But all they need to cure their depression is to realize
that there is another half of reality, the “giving
half.” If we can help these people see that they have
been trying to suck joy out of a vacuum—a desire to
receive—a force that knows only how to receive and
not how to give, it will bring back all the hope and
energy that they lost to depression.
Indeed, reality is a two-legged creature, and we
have been using only one of them. Why, then, are
we surprised that it reality is lame?

Michael Laitman

the new emergence of the desire to give

the new emergence of the desire to give
that we are sensing today is no ordinary emergence.
This desire is not for sex, money, power,
or fame. This time, it is a desire for connectedness.
This is the underlying motive behind the massive
growth of social networks on the Internet. People
need to connect because they already feel connected;
now, they just need to know how to do so
in a way that truly fills their needs. However, the
only way to feel completely connected is to study
the force that binds all individuals into one: the
desire to give.

Michael Laitman
"Bail yourself out"
My definition of Spirituality is direct contact with the Light of the Creator and the attainment of his attributes of bestowal. Anything else is Mental, and belongs to the Physical realm, which does not make it less important.