Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dès qu'un homme commence un processus de création, tout un univers se met en marche pour le réaliser

Dès qu'un homme commence un processus de création, tout un univers se met en marche pour le réaliser, lui donner un corps. Méditez cette sagesse. Vous pourrez comprendre beaucoup de lois animant votre monde et votre destinée. Si les évène-ments échappent à votre contrôle, c'est à cause de vous. Car vous avez été bénis de la Lumière et la terre a été placée sous votre responsabilité. Vous avez été consacrés outils de la Lumière. Ce que vous faites de ce trésor, cela vous regarde, car vous inscrivez dans le Livre du Père tous vos actes. Cela devient vivant et agissant jusqu'à vous conduire vers la liberté... ou l'esclavage. Si l'homme connaît l'esclavage, c'est parce que lui même a plongé les mondes qu'il avait sous sa garde dans l'esclavage. Alors, devenez des créateurs de beauté, d'harmonie.


Channel It

All we are in life is a vessel meant to channel whatever comes through us.  We don’t really own or posses anything because we’re here now, and then we’re not, having moved onto the next.  

Y. Berg

An Intervention Into The Upper Realm

We have finally matured to the human level and have become free. That is why our perception of reality will transform from a purely material one to an increasingly more spiritual one.
All of our machinery, workstations, and factories will become less material and more “transparent.” Even today half of the people are already working at a computer keyboard. But what could they possibly be producing there?
It’s clear what can be produced by working in the field, at a conveyor-belt, or by mining oil and coal. But what can you create by striking the computer keys? Soon the whole world will sit by computer screens. So will we be able to change the world through them?
In reality, this is how we create new matter, one that’s more spiritual. We will no longer need cars or planes because everything will shift to this virtual form. In reality it doesn’t matter one bit in what form we imagine everything. The most important thing is our effort, the Reflected Light we produce.
The Creator continuously moves upward, farther and farther away to give us the opportunity to expand our intervention into the upper realm with our Reflected Light. This is the kind of movement upwards we have begun from today onwards.
In reality, the entire difference is only man’s perception, his sensation of himself. In the past he was forced to work by the egoistic desire to enjoy, but now his effort lies in preferring the Reflected Light and bestowal over reception. This is called the human level.
In any case, one way or another, every person will work. The only question is: Will he do it unwillingly or by his own desire? All of human history until today was also spiritual work, albeit unconscious. That is how the Creator or nature had obligated us to work.
But now He no longer desires our slave labor. He wants us to become the same as He by ascending above our nature and playing with it ourselves the way He once played with us. You have to look at yourself from above and do the same thing to yourself that the Creator used to do. That is how you become equal to Him.
M. Laitman

About The Situation In Egypt And More

From the political point of view, it is expedient for a government to consist of all of the forces that operate in society. This is the most balanced state there can be.
For example, since the Hezbollah exists, then it too has to be represented. It is impossible to do anything about it, so in that case it’s best for it to have a seat in Parliament. All of the various movements and parties, no matter how unusual, have to be represented in the government. The government has to include all of the views that are present in the nation. Otherwise it sways far away from the truth.
Only this kind of government creates the opportunity to take effective measures. Instead of fighting the faceless underground movement of Al-Qaeda, you will know who you have in front of you, and if necessary you will be able to take forceful measures and sanctions.
Today, if a nation breaks off contact completely, it will suffocate in two weeks. And everyone understands this perfectly.
On the other hand, it is impossible to have any dealings with a dictatorial regime. There is just one “big wheel” here, while everyone else “sits in the dungeon” in quasi-legal opposition. As a result, you cannot get to other movements, which are often very powerful. Instead of establishing relations with the country as a whole, you are speaking to one person.
That is why a wide government in power is better than having underground movements. As strange as it might seem, this frees you up. It also lets the people see the real situation instead of harboring wishful dreams of opposition.
It’s not an accident that to this day no one has found a better form of government than democracy, which gives everyone access to power, doing so with correlations that approximately correspond to the people’s views. This is undoubtedly closer to the spiritual form than anything else.
Therefore, despite the big mess that is happening, the current processes should be viewed positively. They are causing the truth to be discerned, and that is already progress and development. 
M. Laitman

Question: What role does asceticism play in human development?

Question: What role does asceticism play in human development?
Answer: Kabbalah has a very negative opinion of various restrictions. It does not demand anything from a person with regard to his earthly life. In principle, you can do anything you want.
It’s a different matter when you become engrossed in all sorts of fetishes in this earthly life by introducing some kind of special customs, habits, and exercises to it. Live normally. If you like doing yoga, then do it. If you like running in the morning, then run. If there’s a certain diet that is healthier for you and another that’s less healthy, then eat accordingly. None of this matters. The most important thing is not to turn anything into a cult.
Kabbalah treats every person absolutely normally. It doesn’t care about how a person lives, what habits he has, and what his customs, religious convictions, and inclinations are. Who he is in the earthly life doesn’t matter one bit.
We are once again returning to the essence: Egoism rises in us in order for us to compensate for it above ourselves. That is why it doesn’t matter one bit what I am like. Limiting yourself in food or applying any kind of methods—none of this will help. Nothing will help.
On the contrary, a person who does some kind of physical exercises or keeps some kind of strict boundaries thinks that he has already advanced forward, has achieved some kind of level, that he is righteous and so on.
This can only confuse people. Therefore, live normally, calmly, eat well, and think about your health and profession. Take part in all the things that your surrounding society does.
And together with this, study Kabbalah. This balance or normal state is the most preferable one. Fate has placed you in this environment so go with its flow. Then you will see that in reality, everything around you is in the ideal state, besides yourself.
A minus is compensated by the right plus.
M. Laitman