Saturday, September 10, 2011

Many people, without realizing, end up with two gods

Many people, without realizing, end up with two gods:
One god is an impersonal, all-encompassing, transcendent force.
But then, at times of trouble, they cry out to another, personal god, with whom they have an intimate relationship.
Our faith is all about knowing that these two are one. The same God who is beyond all things, He is the same one who hears your cries and counts your tears. The same God who is the force behind all existence and transcends even that, He is the same God who cares about what is cooking in your kitchen and how you treat your fellow human being.
God cannot be defined, even as transcendent. He is beyond all things and within them at once.
T. Freeman

No man can say he is free today because yesterday he was granted freedom.

No man can say he is free today because yesterday he was granted freedom.
Freedom is a source of endless energy. Freedom is the power behind this entire universe. Freedom is the force that brings existence out of the void.
You are free when you take part in that endlessness. When you never stand still. When you are forever escaping the confines of today to create a freer tomorrow.
T. Freeman

A smile

"A smile is in itself a greeting, a sign of acknowledgement we
give to those we meet even before we say hello to them, so it is
important to be aware of what our smile expresses. Of course, it
is not a matter of putting on a false smile that we’ve been
practising in the mirror. Our smile should come naturally from
within and express kindness, gentleness and understanding.
If you are able to reach into the depths of your being and seek
silence and light, your inner sculptors will know which nerves
and muscles to tighten or relax. You can trust them. Wanting to
manufacture your own smile is only going to deform your features.
So work with love, hope and faith, and trust in the inspiration
of your inner sculptors."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Voir, entendre, toucher, c'est être avec la vie universelle

Voir, entendre, toucher, c'est être avec la vie universelle, mais pour cela, les sens doivent être parfaitement ajustés. S'ils ne le sont pas, les perceptions se brouillent et c'est la bêtise, la folie, le fanatisme qui apparaissent, et l'homme s'enferme dans un monde. Les sens sont des outils qui doivent être maîtrisés par la discipline méditative. Ils sont des fenêtres par lesquelles la Lumière de la conscience et de la vie peut entrer. Alors, tout peut être connu : soi, l'autre, l'univers, les mondes magiques et les Dieux. Être en paix avec soi-même, en harmonie avec l'univers et entrer dans le monde des Dieux immortels, tel est le sens véritable de la vie. La clé est cachée dans la nutrition. « On devient ce que l'on mange. » Une nourriture d'homme engendre des mortels, une nourriture des Dieux engendre des immortels. Je ne parle pas que des aliments physiques, mais également des pensées, des sensations, des perceptions, des impressions. 
