Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Greater Miracles

There will come a time, very soon, when we will be shown miracles so great, they will make the ten plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea appear as ordinary as nature itself.
So great, no mind can begin to fathom them;
so powerful, they will transform the very fabric of our world, elevating it in a way that the wonders of the exodus never did.
For then, our eyes will be opened and granted the power to see the greatest of miracles: Those miracles that occur to us now, beneath our very noses, every day.
T. Freeman

Young people sometimes come to speak to me about their plans for the future

"Young people sometimes come to speak to me about their plans for
the future. They hope to study this or that, so that later they
can have a job that will bring in a lot of money. And they add
that it will allow them to help others. And do you think I am
convinced and think how wonderful that is? No, not at all, for I
can always see the highly personal element behind these seemingly
generous intentions. Those who speak in this way do not know what
they are about to get involved in or that, once they are
involved, the whole of them will gradually be drawn in. When
earning a lot of money begins to be your goal, be aware that you
are moving deeper into matter, and one day you will be so
immersed in it, not only will you very soon forget that you
wanted to help others but you will become selfish and hardened as
True, people are full of good intentions, but matter is a trap
for the children of God. You will say, ‘So, what should we do?
Give up earning money?’ No, but first you should spend years
strengthening yourself spiritually; that is the only way to
become the master of money and not its slave.  "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

L’Intelligence cosmique a donné à toutes les créatures vivantes, et aux animaux surtout, un instinct

"L’Intelligence cosmique a donné à toutes les créatures vivantes,
et aux animaux surtout, un instinct qui les pousse à trouver des
solutions à leurs problèmes, des remèdes à leurs maux. Un animal
malade, par exemple, trouve instinctivement la plante qui le
guérira. Et dans de nombreuses circonstances, cet instinct que la
nature leur a donné vient aussi aider les humains. Mais
l’instinct ne suffit pas, c’est une impulsion aveugle qui
appartient au domaine du subconscient, et c’est à l’homme de
l’éclairer, de le rendre conscient. Cet instinct est déjà une
sorte d’intuition, mais manifestée dans les régions inférieures,
alors que l’intuition véritable appartient aux domaines de l’âme
et de l’esprit.
L’instinct et l’intuition présentent donc de grandes
similitudes, il s’agit presque de la même faculté mais manifestée
dans deux régions différentes. Pour trouver la plante qui le
guérira, l’animal possède un flair qui n’a aucun rapport avec
l’intelligence, la conscience. Tandis que chez l’être évolué tout
est conscient : son intuition est un savoir."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov