Tuesday, December 21, 2010

For a seed to produce a tree, there are four necessary conditions

"For a seed to produce a tree, there are four necessary
conditions: it must be placed in soil, watered, allowed to have
air and provided with warmth and light from the sun. So, the four
elements are present here: earth, water, air and fire. As the
roots burrow down into the soil, a small stem comes up to form a
trunk, and this trunk splits into branches, which grow buds. When
the buds burst open, leaves and flowers appear, and the flowers
produce fruit. Finally, with the seeds from the fruit, we come
full circle.
Everything in the universe, in its own way, goes through the
same phases - roots, stem, branches, leaves, flowers, fruit,
seeds - and this sequence of phases is what we call life.
Depending on the created beings in question and which realms or
planes they appear in, some processes are longer, others shorter.
The remarkable thing about trees, particularly fruit trees, is
that these processes are invariably repeated year after year, the
four seasons being the four stages of the process. To emphasize
the importance of these stages, the initiatic tradition placed
each one under the influence of an archangel: Raphael rules
spring, Uriel summer, Michael autumn and Gabriel winter."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Small Things

Great things are not what is demanded from our generation. The previous generations did all that for us. We need only do the small things --but in a more difficult time.
For us, self-sacrifice could mean nothing more than a simple change of habit.