Friday, December 24, 2010


They think self surrender means to say, "I have no mind. I have no heart. I only believe and follow, for I am nothing."
This is not self-surrender - this is denial of the truth. For it is saying there is a place where Godliness cannot be -namely your mind and your heart.
God did not give you a brain that you should abandon it, or a personality that you should ignore it. These are the building materials from which you may forge a sanctuary for Him, to bring Divine Presence into the physical realm.
Don't run from the self with which God has entrusted you. Connect your entire being to its Essential Source. Permeate every cell with the light of self-surrender.


A birth is none other than a transition from the invisible to the visible

"A birth is none other than a transition from the invisible to the
visible, from the immaterial to the material, from thought to
manifestation. In our body, it is the moon, the archetype of the
feminine, that presides over all forms of incarnation. In winter,
the period during which the nights are longest and the life of
nature slows down, conditions are less favourable for outward
manifestation but more favourable, on the other hand, for inner
life: human beings feel the urge to go within themselves to
prepare the birth of the child of light, which is represented in
some traditions by the symbol of the pearl. The pearl, coming as
it does from the sea, is, like the sea, related to the moon.
On the sephirotic tree, the pearl oyster is Yesod, the sephirah
where the moon is found. In the cosmic body, Yesod represents the
genital organs. That is where the pearl must be formed. This
pearl represents the purest quintessence of love. The pearl
oyster is the feminine principle, which brings a pearl, the
divine child, into the world."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

N'aie pas peur du feu

N'aie pas peur du feu car il y a en lui une douceur et un amour qui parleront à ton coeur, à ton âme et à tout ton être. Laisse-toi guider par la joie et la beauté qui s'élèvent au-dessus du royaume aux formes limitées. Le feu t'appellera, il t'attirera, il t'éveillera et te montrera ton véritable intérêt, ton véritable égoïsme, ta nature divine, ta volonté éternelle. Alors tu sauras qui tu es.
