Wednesday, May 18, 2011


No one has ever seen, touched or measured a particle or a wave of gravity. Furthermore, the very notion of gravity is mystifying: masses light years apart with nothing between them, affecting each other's movements!
Yet we all accept there must be a cause behind the phenomena we observe, so we call this elusive force "gravity."
So too, there is a cause behind existence. That Cause may be even more elusive, but the reality of its existence is at least as inescapable and empirically evident.
T. Freeman

Good Citizens

"Destroy Man's desire to sin" our sages tell us, "and you would destroy the world."
Not that anyone needs to sin. But one who lacks the desire to sin is not a citizen of this world. And without citizens, who will effect lasting change?

Two Are One

Many people, without realizing, end up with two gods:
One god is an impersonal, all-encompassing, transcendent force.
But then, at times of trouble, they cry out to another, personal god, with whom they have an intimate relationship.
Our faith is all about knowing that these two are one. The same God who is beyond all things, He is the same one who hears your cries and counts your tears. The same God who is the force behind all existence and transcends even that, He is the same God who cares about what is cooking in your kitchen and how you treat your fellow human being.
God cannot be defined, even as transcendent. He is beyond all things and within them at once.
T. Freeman

The Dream

You build a dream house.
You start with a dream. The dream becomes a plan. The plan becomes a lot of dirty work. The dirty work becomes a house. If you are successful, it is the house of your dreams.
Dream, plan, dirty work, success. Why is this the fundamental strategy of all human endeavor? Because it is the story of the universe.
Those who can feel the dream, those who can read the plan, they see we are now at the finishing touches.

Getting Ahead with Failure

  There is only one thing that can put you further ahead than success, and that is surviving failure.
When you are successful, you are whole and complete. That is wonderful, but you cannot break out beyond your own universe.
When you fail, you are broken. You look at the pieces of yourself lying on the ground and say, "This is worthless."
Now you can escape. The shell is broken, the shell of a created being. Now you can grow to join the Infinite.
T. Freeman