Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Human beings should be studied when they are still connected to the cosmic Tree,

"You have just picked a fruit… If you had the equipment for
observing it, you would see it is different from how it was on
the tree, when all the life force coursed through it and it
received sap, to which the whole universe contributed its work.
As soon as you pick it, you cut it off from the cosmic currents.
It is the same with human beings: they should be studied when
they are still connected to the cosmic Tree, whose fruit they
are, because then they are alive, rich and radiant. This is why
science cannot know them – it wants to study humans when they
have been cut or have fallen from the tree of life; it is merely
studying their corpse. You will say, ‘Yes, but at least then you
can dissect them to see what they are made of. Whereas when they
are alive, you can’t.’ Well, precisely; this is proof that you
have to find other ways of studying humans without cutting them
up, so you can study them live and whole. And there are ways!
Once you have them, you will discover all the subtle currents
circulating in humans and connecting them to the whole of the

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Quel est le sens de la vie ? Pourquoi vient-on sur la terre ?

Quel est le sens de la vie ? Pourquoi vient-on sur la terre ? L'essentiel est de se poser des questions, de ne pas être rempli d'orgueil et de suffisance en croyant qu'on a toutes les réponses. Dès l'enfance, on nous modèle avec une éducation où l'on doit avoir les réponses à tout. Pourtant, personne n'a les réponses à tout ; on a tous une partie des réponses. La vie est comme un puzzle : chacun a sa pièce et on s'assemble. Personne n'est indépendant, on a tous besoin les uns des autres, on a tous besoin d'amitié, de solidarité, de soutien mutuel...

O. Manitara