Friday, July 8, 2011

Close & Dark

When is the moon dark to us? When it is closest to the sun.
At its closest point, it disappears altogether. Then, once again, it is renewed and begins to shine.
At those points in life when we peer into darkness, groping for some clue why this is happening to us, where this is taking us, why this must happen to us. 
-those are the points of closeness to the light, the points of renewal.

T. Freeman

High Souls

To one whose self is his body, death of the body is death of the self. But for one whose self is his love, awe and faith, there is no death, only a passing. From a state of confinement to the body he makes the passage to liberation. He continues to work within this world, and even more so than before.


Yes, in our eyes we see death. A body is buried in the ground and we must mourn the loss. But this is only part of the falseness of our world. In the World of Truth they are still here as before.And the proof: We are still here. For if these high souls would not be with us in our world, all that we know would cease to exist.
T. Freeman

Young children spontaneously intuit that the world around them is alive

"Young children spontaneously intuit that the world around them is
alive: stones, plants and animals speak to them, and they speak
back. But when they tell adults what they see or hear, they
really feel they are not taken seriously: adults smile and make
fun of them. And even if they don’t make that much fun of them,
their materialistic attitude eventually rubs off on the children,
and then they have truly lost for good what is most important.
Yes, what is most important. For it is a great mistake to think
that humans are the only really live, intelligent beings in a
universe devoid of soul and language.
 All of nature is alive and intelligent; it is inhabited by
innumerable live, intelligent creatures, some much more
intelligent even than humans. And as soon as humans start to deny
this intelligence and this aliveness, blindness and death begin
to set in inside them."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov