Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"It is impossible to take up esoteric science without encountering, at some time or other, the subject of magic

"It is impossible to take up esoteric science without
encountering, at some time or other, the subject of magic and,
particularly, black magic. But it would be more sensible to leave
the area of black magic alone, and above all you should avoid
thinking you might fall prey to it. Those who have this fear are
already attracting negative currents to themselves. Yes, because
this fear makes them vulnerable and, therefore, open to all kinds
of dark elements floating in the atmosphere. It's the same as
with epidemics: if you are fragile and receptive, you catch every
germ from people you meet, but if you are robust, resistant and
emissive you escape them.
So, don't worry about black magic: make yourself strong, think
of the light, work with the light, and then the light in you will
repel the negative. A wheel that's turning very fast throws off
the mud, but as soon as it begins to turn more slowly any dirt
sticks to it. And when the flow of a spring is strong, it sweeps
away the leaves and twigs that might otherwise obstruct it. So,
instead of allowing your mind to become lazy, be like a spring."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

La dignité humaine

La dignité humaine n'est pas d'accepter des lois mais de comprendre le sens de sa vie, de son environnement, de savoir 'lire' le monde qui nous entoure. Seule la pensée vivante permet cela.


Pride gets in the way when we tell ourselves that we are strong, and that we shouldn’t burden others with our problems. But these thoughts promote emptiness, isolation, and separation from others and from the source of all joy. 

Learning to resist the temptation to retreat into isolation takes a little practice, but the result can be miraculous. By picking up the phone, visiting with a stranger at a coffee shop, or by helping someone in need, we break the cycle. These small proactive measures of engaging with others immediately reconnects us with the Light through them, and with the love of the universe.


As you are born into these physical bodies

As you are born into these physical bodies, you experience the vibrational continuum of the generations that have come before you. Their desires as they have lived as individuals—and their Collective Mass Consciousness desire— has emanated to the boundary-less boundaries of the Universe, and Law of Attraction is answering all of those requests. So, each generation who follows the previous generation benefits by the desires that have been exuded by Mass Consciousness.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 7th, 2004 #605

Denying Reality

Despair is the diametric opposite of everything in which we believe -in other words: it is a denial of reality.
It is a denial that there is a God that directs all of His creation and watches over every individual and assists each one in what he must accomplish.


Human beings cannot possess the universal consciousness

"Human beings cannot possess the universal consciousness that
would allow them to attune to all that exists. They always
experience certain feelings of repulsion, whether for a
particular food, object, face or way of behaving. When we arrive
on earth, we take on a body in a family somewhere, and this body
does not vibrate in perfect harmony with the universe and all its
But do we have to accept this state of affairs to the point
where we make it a rule of conduct? No. Obviously, it is easier
to seek out only those things we like. But if you listen to
wisdom, which sees things differently, you will find it won't
approve of you acting only according to what you like or dislike.
Why not try to see things from a larger perspective and seek out
what is good both for you and for others? Try asserting yourself
over this capricious nature of yours, which likes this and hates
that, instead of serving it day and night. As long as you are
guided by your tastes, likes and dislikes, you will go astray."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Tu ne dois pas toujours te polariser sur tes défauts.

Tu ne dois pas toujours te polariser sur tes défauts. Tu en as -c'est certain- mais il faut les accepter comme matière à transformer puis t'intéresser surtout à tes qualités et te concentrer sur l'être divin qui vit en toi. Lorsque tu auras trouvé cet être, tes défauts prendront une tout autre signification. Tout deviendra positif.