"What are your children? They are the dreams, thoughts and
feelings you had in the past which you have now made flesh and
bone. If you do not know who you were in the past, then look at
your children; they will tell you, ‘Watch, we have come to teach
you many things about yourself.’ If you want to know the truth
about people, you have to look at their children.
You may say you are not married and have no children. Again, you
are mistaken. Your deeds can also be seen as your children, and
so you are bringing children into the world every day. Jesus said
you can recognize a tree by its fruit. If your fruit is sharp,
bitter, acidic, it proves that your inner mother (your heart) and
your inner father (your mind) are defective. A deed is a child
that can only be divine if the father and mother have conceived
it divinely. "
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov