Monday, January 24, 2011

Those who do harm to themselves do harm to the whole world

"You find life difficult, and so it is, and that humans are often
mean and ungrateful, which they are. But is that any reason for
always feeling outraged, indignant and bitter? Do you not realize
that, by having this attitude, you are actually harming yourself?
Some will say they can’t stop themselves from feeling indignant
at what they see in the world and that, if they are harming
themselves, there is no need to blame them, since it is only
themselves they are harming. Well, such reasoning shows they
don’t understand things correctly.
All humans are connected, and if you are sad, depressed and
sombre, this is reflected onto those you spend time with. You may
not wish to harm anyone, and on the face of it it’s true that you
are not, and yet you are, because you are spreading negative
waves and particles. You think you are separate from others, but
you are mistaken: your thoughts and feelings affect your parents,
your friends, even the animals, plants and objects around you.
Those who do harm to themselves do harm to the whole world, so
they are no more innocent than those they are so indignant about."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


All that exists
is Him
and you.

Everything else is just interface.


Beyond Intellect

Your mind itself no more than a creation, a whim of a Creator who fashioned it from nothing.
To approach the One Who Created Intellect, you need a sense which is beyond intellect and beyond self. We call this sense emuna, which some translate as faith.
But this type of faith does not ignore intellect.
It takes you far beyond.

T. Freeman 

Intellect is not intelligence

"Intellect is not intelligence, and you should learn to tell the
difference between the two. The intellect is an instrument given
to humans to cope on the material plane, to solve the problems of
everyday life, to study nature with and draw a few conclusions
from their study. Intelligence, on the other hand, in the
initiatic sense of the word, is a much higher faculty; it is
above the astral and mental planes and is capable of mastering
feelings, thoughts and all manifestations of the psychic life.
It is this intelligence that initiates consider to be true
intelligence; it is connected to the world of superconsciousness,
which is the divine world. All those who have learned how to work
to master their thoughts and their feelings and connect to the
higher regions and make exchanges with them, have been capable of
sublime achievements. They are the ones who have enabled humanity
to truly progress."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov