Tuesday, October 5, 2010

pieces of paper are all-powerful

"In the society we live in, not to know how to read and write is
unthinkable. Even with cooking, it is assumed you know what is
written on a tin of food, for example, and that you can also
decipher a recipe in a book. Not to mention the complications for
anyone who can't read the name of a street or underground
But this doesn't mean that humanity could not have progressed
without being able to write. Reading and writing may represent
great advantages, but the importance given to pieces of paper
also has many drawbacks: we rely on them alone, they are all that
counts, and we are incapable of seeing beyond them. If a piece of
paper says you are guilty even though you are innocent, no one
will be able to see the innocence that's written all over you.
They read the piece of paper, and you are blamed; they point the
finger at you and put you in prison. Nowadays, human beings are
nothing, and pieces of paper are all-powerful!"

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Il y a le chemin intérieur, celui du libre éveil, de la soif de perfection, de la quête de l'homme véritable. Ce chemin est celui de l'ennoblissement de l'homme terrestre dans la conscience supérieure de l'homme céleste. C'est le chemin de l'homme marchant vers sa propre grandeur : vers l'homme qui a trouvé le Père et qui s'est uni à Lui. En parlant du Maître Jésus, Pilate a dit : « Voici l'homme », et deux mille ans après, l'humanité n'a pas encore trouvé l'homme.

O. Manitara

A la fin de toute culture

A la fin de toute culture, alors que les forces sombres sont

déchaînées parmi les humains, que la guerre, la haine, le mensonge
règnent en maître, il se trouve toujours une minorité d'âmes qui
refusent de pactiser avec le non-humain et qui dans le silence,
s'efforcent de préserver leur intégrité. Devant la puissance des
ténèbres, elles se tournent de toutes leurs forces vers la Lumière.


Even though there are all kinds of writings encouraging the public to embark upon psychic experiences..

"Even though there are all kinds of writings encouraging the
public to embark upon psychic experiences, do not do so. Do not
try to make contact with the beyond until you have acquired
mastery over your thoughts and desires. That is the only kind of
mastery that can make you strong and protect you from danger. For
you should know this: the risks you run in the psychic world are
as numerous and formidable as those of the physical world, if not
more so. If you are neither informed nor practised, you will be
vulnerable, and your only recourse will be to search around for
someone to free you from your anxieties and your obsessions.
So many people who claim to be on a spiritual path end up being
the victims of entities and forces they have unwisely provoked!
They feel they are being pursued by monsters, they experience all
the torments of hell, and of course they don't know how this
could have happened to them. And yet it's simple: through seeking
to enter the astral world out of curiosity, an attraction for the
fantastic or a desire to acquire powers, they have attracted
entities that really make their life hell. For that is what hell
is - the lower astral world. "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Conscious Creation

He creates with Consciousness.

First, He is conscious of a world from beyond that world, of time and place as concepts that might be, but might not as well. And so, that world exists, but it is not a thing. It exists as no more than a dream, a passing fancy.

Yet then He is conscious of that world from within. He judges, He makes distinctions. He says, "It should be like this and not like that. This I like, this I do not." He plays the game that He has made by the rules of that game, so that in this consciousness, a true world is born, a place that feels, "Yes, I exist."

So, does our world exist, or does it not?

That He leaves up to us. "Do something," He asks, "that compels me to believe you truly exist."


Near & Far

He hides; we must search for Him.
He is here now; our hearts may speak to Him.
He is distant; we are small and insignificant.
He is close, we are His children, his beloved, his joy.
Indeed, He does not fit into our neat cubbyholes of close or distant, of hidden or present. He is all of these, all in perfect oneness.


Growing Up

There is a time that He relates to us as a father relates to his infant child. We can cry and spit and make those little messes babies make -- but He loves us, just because we are His child.

And then there comes a time when we have to grow up and do something.

T. Freeman

The Unlikely Pair

His world is woven with the threads of cause and effect; she makes her choices with no need for reason. He questions every premise; she accepts with complete certitude. His world revolves around his own good; hers around that which has greater gravitational pull.

Yet, without one another neither is complete, neither can find it's own essence or know its own truth.

Superficially, they seem impossibly incompatible. In essence, intellect and faith are the perfect marriage.

T. Freeman

Awake at Night

Just as we learn to walk by falling down, so we learn to be awake by groping in the dark.

When there is no support, no brightness to keep us on our toes, when we are all on our own, that is when we learn to be awake.

Truly awake—not because it is day, but because we are awake.
