"Everyone is curious to know about their future, it is only
natural, but do they have to go and consult clairvoyants to find
out about it? I would say not, for it is very easy to guess one's
future. If you love everything that is great, noble, just and
beautiful, and you work with all your heart, all your mind and
all your will to achieve it and make it a reality, your future is
already mapped out for you: one day you will live in conditions
that match your ideal - in peace, freedom and light. That is all
you need to know about your future.
Of course, you may not know what your profession will be, who
you will meet, how much money you will gain or lose, what
illnesses, accidents or successes you will have... But none of
that is very important, because it is transient and can be given
to you and taken away again. When you leave the earth, all that
will truly remain is what matches the aspirations of your soul
and spirit."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov