Friday, July 22, 2011

Moralists have heaped so much criticism on women!

"Moralists have heaped so much criticism on women! Among the main
reproaches made is their wish to be beautiful. And yet, it is not
a crime; on the contrary. If women did not seek beauty, they
would have brought generations of terribly ugly children into the
world. It is the mother who passes beauty on to her children; she
is the one who shapes them. This is why, throughout the time she
is carrying them, she must wish for beauty for them. All those
moralists who have condemned a woman’s wish to be beautiful have
not understood that it is the task of a woman, of a mother, to
bring beauty to the earth. Men do not think much about
cultivating beauty – they have other concerns. So if women didn’t
think about it!…
Women are right, therefore, to seek beauty, so that they can
pass it on to their children. They should understand, however,
where and how to look for true beauty, spiritual beauty, so that
one day they may bring heaven down to earth through their

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Pour chaque être, il y a une destinée.

Pour chaque être, il y a une destinée. Tout ce que tu vois a un sens. Tout ce que tu vois est réel. Tous les actes que tu fais dans ta vie ont un sens. Les pensées que tu as, les paroles que tu dis, les sentiments que tu vis, les êtres que tu rencontres, avec qui tu t'associes, tout cela a un sens universel.