"‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.’ You
will sometimes hear Jesus’ words quoted by those who want to
condemn the rich, but it is by no means certain that his words
have been properly understood, for in order to understand them
you have to interpret them from the perspective of Initiatic
What is the main characteristic of the rich whom Jesus was
speaking about? Their inflated astral body. The astral body, in
other words the desire body, of the rich is monstrously inflated
because of their greed, to the point where it becomes like a
tumour, preventing them from passing through the door of the
kingdom of God. Whereas a camel, being abstemious, has a very
slim astral body, which is why Jesus says it can go through the
eye of a needle. Because it makes do with very little, a camel is
able to cross the desert, keeping going in conditions where
others would die.
This is how Jesus’ words should be interpreted. Those who are
obsessed by the need to acquire and possess create huge tumours
in their astral body. Disciples must, therefore, be careful to
control their wishes and desires so that they are able to pass
through the door of initiation, which is the door of the kingdom
of God."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov