All children cry when they are born, but not in the same way.
"All children cry when they are born, but not in the same way.Some are heard to make a touching, plaintive sound: they are expressing nostalgia for the region of light, joy and peace theyhave left. But at the same time they say, 'God's will be done!'and they accept in advance the trials that await them, whereasmany others cry in a desperate, tragic fashion, screamingrebelliously, for they feel like caged animals and already knowtheir life will be like a prison.The truth is that on earth no one is spared, just because it isearth and we are entering very particular conditions. So we haveto find the best means of avoiding being crushed by events, ofcontrolling them, instead, and making the best use of them forour evolution. Of course, we are not able straightaway to alterour reactions to what happens to us. We always begin by feelingperturbed, distressed, shocked. Yes, but once we have understoodthat these difficulties are necessary for our training, we becomemuch quicker and better at pulling ourselves together."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
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