Saturday, October 30, 2010

Every joy, every happiness, has to be paid for one way or another.

"Every joy, every happiness, has to be paid for one way or
another. Only when you have returned to the cosmic ocean for good
will you have nothing further to pay. When you are immersed in
that ocean, who is there to pay? But if you come out of it, you
have to pay for the slightest drop. You will have seen this so
many times! After joy always comes sorrow. And you even come to
expect it - when you have experienced great happiness, something
tells you sorrow is lying in wait.
Many people are fearful when they are very happy, and with good
reason. But while we can never wholly avoid trouble from the
outside world, at least we can protect ourselves inwardly. And
the only truly effective protection is our connection with
heaven. When you are connected with heaven and surrender to its
will, you are one with it, and then you have nothing left to pay
inwardly. Does God owe anybody anything? No, everything belongs
to him, and if you live in God everything will belong to you,

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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