Monday, November 29, 2010

Where the Answers Live

Think about a time in your life when you were so sure something was supposed to happen and then it didn’t happen. You got upset, frustrated, angry. 

Forget about the fact that when we look back three years later we see that same outcome as the best thing that ever happened to us. 

If things don’t go according to our plan, we need to be able to detach enough to recognize that we’re probably not seeing the whole picture. When we adopt a letting-go attitude we take off our blinders. Then it’s easier to tap into the realm where all the answers are; where everything we need exists. 

When we are so busy functioning in the fog of our 1% physical reality we often don’t think about going to the world beyond—the 99%—to access full information. And that’s why, no matter how smart we are we just can’t come up with the answer. 

There is a place in our consciousness where we can know the outcome of every situation. Probably every one of us has sensed this. But a lot of times we get stuck seeing what’s only in the physical realm, instead of trying to tap into the knowledge in the higher realm. 


If you’re stuck in the 1% Realm you can’t get all the answers. But when you go to the 99% Realm you have access to all the information you need. 

We either live in the world of questions or we live in the world of answers. We either live in a world with no information or in a world with all of the information. For everyone on a spiritual path the point is to leave the world of questions, of uncertainty, of pain and suffering. We want to have access to the world of answers—the world of dreams. 

It’s a choice: Which universe do we want to live in? 

Y. Berg

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