Sunday, December 5, 2010

From the perspective of physical anatomy

"From the perspective of physical anatomy, humans have two eyes,
two ears and one mouth. But from the perspective of spiritual
anatomy, they have three eyes, three ears and two mouths,
corresponding to the three planes - the physical, the psychic and
the spiritual. The third eye, the mystic eye, is in the centre of
the forehead. The third ear is in the throat. The second mouth is
at the top of the head: this is the sahasrara chakra, the
thousand-petalled lotus, and with this second mouth we can speak
and eat in the spiritual regions. Prayer and communion are simply
ways of speaking and nourishing oneself in the divine world.
As for our planet, the earth, it too has organs like ours. High
mountains are its higher mouth, for the earth uses its greatest
peaks to communicate with heaven."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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