Thursday, December 9, 2010

Whichever world creatures belong to -

"Whichever world creatures belong to - the mineral, vegetable,
animal or human - they all have consciousness, but how distant
this consciousness is from their body depends on their degree of
evolution. It is furthest away in minerals, which is why they are
in a state of complete inertia. The consciousness of plants lies
at the centre of the earth, so, if we want to be able to speak to
them and get them to understand us and act for us, that is where
we must try to reach them. Animals do not have an individual
consciousness but a collective consciousness outside of
themselves, and each species has a group soul controlling it. The
fact, for example, that they have a mating season, a time for
laying eggs, for migrating, for moulting, and so on, means they
obey an external group soul, to which they belong.
As for humans, they are the only ones to possess an individual
consciousness, which is why they are beings that think and are

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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