Wednesday, September 29, 2010

God In Exile

They have banished God into exile.
They have decreed He is too holy,
too transcendent to belong in our world.
They have determined He does not belong within the ordinary, in the daily run of things.
And so they have driven Him out of His garden, to the realm of prayer and meditation, to the sanctuaries and the secluded places of hermits. They have sentenced the Creator to exile and His creation they have locked in a dark, cold prison.
And He pleads, "Let me come back to my garden, to the place in which I found delight when it all began."

T. Freeman

Seeing Within

Man sees a tree and the tree says, “I am here, I was here, and I am nothing more but a thing that is here.”

Man ponders and answers, “No! I give you a name! You are 'tree'! You have beauty and you have a soul. You point upwards and you say, 'There is something higher, there is the One who gives me life and gives me my very being.'”

And so Man goes on, until he has brought the whole of creation down on its knees.

Man alone can accomplish what the angels cannot. Man alone can discover the spiritual within the material.

T. Freeman

There will be someone who comes from a background of poverty who is influenced to strong wanting.

There will be someone who comes from a background of poverty who is influenced to strong wanting. And the rockets of desire will shoot, and then they will find a way to find vibrational harmony with their desire. They will get into this flow in which material things flow into their life at outrageous abundance. And they will feel brief moments of success as it comes, until they are eventually buried by the cumbersomeness of it, and then the next rocket of desire that is born is: "I'm wanting a simpler life."

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Sunday, July 11th, 1999 #454

Where Is My Soul?

In the material world, everyone has a body with its fulfillments.We are separated from each other by biological bodies, and psychologically, each of us perceives themselves as an individual personality.
In spirituality, everything is constantly changing by going from one state to another; the Light and the vessel are always different. We “clothe” in a certain state and name ourselves in accordance with it as actors who change cosumes for new roles. It is as if we are in a science fiction movie where we play a variety of characters.
There is no such notion as a “private, permanent soul” that exists autonomously, climbs the ladder, and preserves its individuality. It’s hard for us to understand how our “self” disappears. For example, it is said in the article “600,000 Souls” that each person who corrects his soul will uncover Malchut to the world and will be named King David.
Micheal Laitman PHD

Love And Hatred Of “600,000 Souls”

600,000 souls are parts of a single soul created by the Creator.This single created being got divided into parts which we call “600,000″ souls. However, this number does not indicate quantity, but rather the quality of the connection between them. 
When the Creator gives rise to the desire to receive pleasure, everything is a single whole; the Creator, the vessel, and the Light are like one. But in this state, both the desire and the Light sense neither separation nor connection; they don’t feel whether the creature exists or not. There is a complete absence of any sensation because any sensation in the creature can be detected only through the opposition between the creature itself and what it feels.
For that, it is necessary to distinguish between the Light and the vessel and to feel their complete oppositeness and connection. However, when the vessel and Light connect, their difference doesn’t vanish since love emerges above hatred.
Both qualities have to emerge. The distance between hatred and love, darkness and light (hatred is revealed as darkness and love as light) gives the creature the sensation of its existence and understanding of where it exists and with whom it is connected. This is the reason why the World of Infinity is not enough to outline the creature and make it independent.
Only after the creature goes through the entire process of its development, meaning that it starts at the first stage, descends to the second, and then rises back to the third, does it begin to understand what the first state was about. The created being becomes independent and similar to the Creator. That’s why it is called Adam.
In the beginning (Stage 1), the creature was just a drop of semen. Then, it realizes that the breaking has occurred and corrects it. By doing so, the creature attains perfection. It is not considered a drop of semen any more, but rather, it has the power of 600,000 souls and represents one big autonomous soul.
“Six hundred thousand” stands for six Sefirot of Zeir Anpin multiplied by ten Sefirot in each of them and then by ten thousand, the power of the ascent of Zeir Anpin to Arich Anpin which governs all corrections. 60 x 10,000 = 600,000. Hence, the common soul (the general, final, corrected state) is called 600,000 souls.
Michael Laitman PHD

Reason To Celebrate

If you did things right, celebrate that you have a God who appreciates your good work.
And if you fell on your face, celebrate that you have a God who does not abandon you when you fall.
Perhaps you might even allow Him to pick you up.
T. Freeman
Sometimes the best prayer is the one you've spoken in your own language, the way you would say it to someone you love. 