Saturday, November 20, 2010

Someone will say, 'I love'...

"Someone will say, 'I love'... Yes, they love, of course, but do
they ask themselves about the nature of their love? Do they give
a thought to the fact that there are two kinds of love: the
self-serving kind and the disinterested kind? Disinterested love
does not expect anything from others, it does not fret, it does
not cling to them, and it does not trouble them. It is a gushing
spring, which gives ceaselessly without being concerned about who
will come to draw from it. It is pleased to share its water
freely, whereas self-seeking love does the opposite, as it acts
on others as a constraint, seeking only to take and bringing with
it impatience, disappointment, anger, jealousy and anxiety.
Disinterested love also avoids arguments, doubts and mistrust
and establishes joy, beauty and hope. It is a new life working
its way through, making people increasingly free, strong and
happy. It is the path of resurrection. So now, ask yourself:
which kind of love is yours? "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Exploiting the Darkness

One who returns from the darkness must bring of it with him and convert it to light. He must exploit his experience to surge higher and higher with greater strength.
Therefore, the one who returns from a distance is greater than the one who was always close.
What matters is not so much where you stand, but with what force you are moving in which direction.
T. Freeman

Light and thought should always come first

"Light and thought should always come first and direct everything
in all situations. Feelings, emotions and desires must come
second. Suppose you have put feeling and desire in first place,
before thought: you are going to give way to your impulses, to
your preferences, without reasoning or reflecting. Well, that
will devalue what you are doing, and you may even fail.
That does not mean you should suppress feelings or desires; no,
you would be depriving yourself of the immense riches that lie in
matter, which thought must work on. But try to put thought first,
so that you will always find the right way ahead, the right
solutions and the right way to behave."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

From the Core

Return is the ultimate act of self-expression.
Nobody returns because he is commanded to do so. The ability to return comes from you alone.
And that itself the evidence that you were never truly torn away: The outer garments of the soul may have been severed, but the core remained at every moment in intimate union with its Source. And from there came the message to return.

T. Freeman

Most people are neither bad nor ill-intentioned

"Most people are neither bad nor ill-intentioned; many even
sincerely wish to be useful to others. But good feelings and good
intentions are not enough when it comes to really doing good.
Those who want to help others must begin by ridding themselves of
all the elements that conflict with the good they wish to
In fact, good and evil are so intimately entangled in each
person that dark forces are often able to take advantage of their
good will. And while people are convinced they are being useful,
all sorts of elements contrary to the good get mixed up in what
they do, and those who should have benefited from their actions
end up as mere victims of them. This is why, every hour of every
day, you must try to work patiently at reducing those inner
states that can serve as magnets for negative forces. At the same
time, you must also work at intensifying those states that
attract heavenly currents to you. Once you have learned to stop
opening the door to dark forces, you will be truly capable of
helping others."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Ne cherche jamais à imposer tes convictions

Ne cherche jamais à imposer tes convictions, ni à convertir à une quelconque religion, philosophie ou croyance. Béni sois-tu, toi qui marches sur les pas de la tolérance et du culte libre de l'esprit.
O. Manitara