Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stop Groping

You can blunder around in the dark, carefully avoiding every pit. You can grope through the murky haze for the exit, stumbling and falling in the mud, then struggling back to your feet to try again.

Or you can turn on the light. There is a switch to the inner light buried without a doubt inside your heart. Even if it is ever so small, that is not important. Even a tiny flame can push away the darkness of an enormous cavern.

T. Freeman

Returning Light

In creating the whole of existence, God made forces that reveal Him and forces that oppose Him --He made light and He made darkness. One who does good brings in more light. One who fails, feeds the darkness.

But the one who fails and then returns transcends that entire scheme. He reaches out directly to the Essential Creator. Beyond darkness and light.

And so, his darkness becomes light.

T. Freeman

The Oppressive Neighbor

No one is a greater tyrant than your friendly neighbor. Or fellow workers at the office. Or friends at the gym. The mere anticipation of their scrutiny arrests all growth before it can even germinate. "Why have you changed your way of life? Was everything you did until now wrong? Why do you feel a need to be different?" The most tyrannical regime could never be as oppressive.

The secret is, they may never even make a comment. They probably don't even care. So where do all those intimidating questions come from?

They come from your own little tyrant inside.

T. Freeman

When we see the state of the world today

"When we see the state of the world today, of course we tell
ourselves the worst may yet happen: atomic war, epidemics,
natural catastrophes and so on, capable of bringing about the
disappearance of humankind. And so, voices are heard announcing
that the afflictions described in the book of Revelation are set
to rain down on earth. It is true that Revelations predicts the
end of the world; it is written. But actually events are never
predetermined. They can take quite a different course, depending
on the behaviour of humanity. Nothing is predetermined; there is
no irrevocable destiny, either for the individual or for the
world as a whole.
God is not a tyrant decreeing cataclysms that no one can do
anything about. He created humans with free will; they determine
their own future. If they live without awareness and lead a
dissolute life, they unleash chaotic currents, and then, of
course, the laws of nature, which are the laws of justice, bring
them to catastrophic ends; it can only be so. But if they decide
to be wiser, if they radiate a harmonious energy and no longer
disturb the balance of nature, many misfortunes can be avoided."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov