Tuesday, November 1, 2011

True Ideas

A thought that helps no one, not only is it not true, in the final result it never was. For all that is, physical or spiritual or Divine, was only created to be part of the repair of this world of action. And once that repair is done, all that will be true are those things that made it happen.

In every thought, look for the power to change the world.

T. Freeman


What is a blade of grass?

A blade of grass is infinite light expressing itself as a blade of grass.

What is an atom?

An atom is infinite light expressing itself as an atom.

What is a universe?

A universe is infinite light expressing itself as a universe.

In each, the Infinite Light says, “I am here and I am not here. I am this and I am not this. Through this thing, know its Maker, that which cannot be known.”

T. Freeman

The Promise Inside

No matter how much you distrust your own sincerity or question your motives, there is no trace of doubt that at your core lives a Godly soul, pure and sincere.

You provide the actions and the deed—just do what is good.

She needs no more than a pinhole through which to break out and fill those deeds with divine power.

T. Freeman

Force and Counter-Force

For every power for good in your soul, a counter-force crouches within to oppose it.

There is only one place that stands beyond assault, as it also stands beyond reason or need. It is the simple power to choose good and not bad, and it is the place where the soul meets God and there they are one.

In that place, where that resolute decision is made, the counterforce dissolves and dissipates. Indeed, it was created from that place, with the purpose of returning you to there.

And you have returned.

T. Freeman