Friday, May 6, 2011

Detoured Good

Sometimes it happens that you set out to do something with the best of intentions-and you end up with what appears the opposite.
Know with absolute certainty-because this is a tradition of our sages-that if your true intent is good, then from it only good can emerge.
Perhaps not the good you intended-or care for-but good nevertheless.
T. Freeman

Infinite Opportunity

Every moment,
every human activity
is an opportunity to connect with the Infinite.

Every act can be an uplifting of the soul.
It is only your will that may stand in the way.
But as soon as you wish,
you are connected.


Multiple Reflections

Go out on a clear night and see the moon reflected in the water of a lake. Then see the very same moon reflected in a pond, in a teacup, in a single drop of water.
So the same essential Truth is reflected within each person who studies it, from a small child to a great sage.
T.Freeman (adapted)

Start Simple

If you want to understand something to its depths, first approach it with the mind of a five-year-old.
Ask the innocent and obvious questions and make things clear and simple. Through that clarity, you will perceive the depths.
T. Freeman

Related to Wonder

We open our eyes and we stand in wonder at this world,
but we do not stand on the outside with gaping mouths.
This wonder, it is our father.
We are its child.
It is our God and we are its people.

You may not see the reason for them, but those thoughts and feelings cannot be coming to you by chance

"Someone comes and confides in me that they are visited by
unsettling thoughts and feelings, and they don’t understand why.
The way they see it, it doesn’t make sense; it is not in their
nature to have such thoughts and feelings; they are quite out of
character and not related to their usual concerns! I say, ‘Are
you sure? You may not see the reason for them, but those thoughts
and feelings cannot be coming to you by chance. In some way or
another you have provided the conditions for them; you have put
the food out for them.’
If you put a bowl of milk on your windowsill, don’t be surprised
if all the cats in the district turn up. If you just chase them
away, it won’t help; remove the bowl of milk instead. Otherwise,
the cats will say to you, ‘What are you complaining about? You
attracted us with the milk.’ Do you feel invaded by particular
negative states? Start by asking yourself what you have done to
attract them, for you most certainly did."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Les pierres sont les gardiennes de la mémoire

Les pierres sont les gardiennes de la mémoire, de l'avenir. C'est la pierre en toi qui te dit qui tu es, c'est elle qui a gardé ta mémoire. Ce que tu es aujourd'hui, quelqu'un l'a jadis écrit sur une pierre. Mais les hommes ont perdu la mémoire : ils ne savent plus parler avec la Mère, avec les animaux, avec les étoiles ni même avec eux-mêmes. Dans l'Antiquité, les hommes savaient par¬ler avec les Dieux et avec la nature. Ils avaient ce savoir parce que la mémoire se transmettait d'âge en âge.

Que les hommes s'ouvrent à la grande réalité

Que les hommes s'ouvrent à la grande réalité pour percevoir que tout, absolument tout, est vivant. 'Vivant' n'est pas un mot, un concept, une chimère mais une réalité absolue qui s'exprime dans plusieurs mondes. Que leurs yeux se posent sur le beau, le vivant et le vrai. S'ils regardent ce qui s'éteint, leur vie s'éteindra et plus rien en eux ne pourra capter, entendre, comprendre tous les appels, les messages qui leur sont envoyés par leurs frères d'âme à travers les arbres, les fleurs, l'eau, l'air, la terre, les animaux, les pierres, le feu et toute la beauté du monde et des mondes.