Sunday, December 5, 2010

Staying Above

Your true place is a place of light. Even if you find yourself in the midst of darkness and sorrow, you must remember this is not your home.
Your essential self lies in an inseverable bond with the Source of Light. From there it extends a glimmer of itself below to illuminate the darkness.


Conjuring Miracles

When we break free from our nature and transcend our ego, nature is given permission to transcend itself—including the laws of physics and the karmic laws of cause and effect. The Israelites jumping into the Red Sea is a glorious example—they went ahead with such certainty that the Sea changed its nature, which is to flow, and parted. Remember this example when you use this secret for conjuring miracles.


Infinite Light

A strong light is hostile to the eyes. An intense light will burn and destroy. An immense body of light will vaporize anything, turning molecules to atoms, atoms to particles, particles to energy.
An infinite light, however, knows no bounds. It can go anywhere and enter any place. Nothing can say to infinity, "I cannot bear you! You are too powerful for me!"-for, if so, that would be a limitation on the infinite.
That is the name the Kabbalists call God-the Infinite Light. No place is too small, no moment too insignificant, for the Infinite Light to belong.


From the perspective of physical anatomy

"From the perspective of physical anatomy, humans have two eyes,
two ears and one mouth. But from the perspective of spiritual
anatomy, they have three eyes, three ears and two mouths,
corresponding to the three planes - the physical, the psychic and
the spiritual. The third eye, the mystic eye, is in the centre of
the forehead. The third ear is in the throat. The second mouth is
at the top of the head: this is the sahasrara chakra, the
thousand-petalled lotus, and with this second mouth we can speak
and eat in the spiritual regions. Prayer and communion are simply
ways of speaking and nourishing oneself in the divine world.
As for our planet, the earth, it too has organs like ours. High
mountains are its higher mouth, for the earth uses its greatest
peaks to communicate with heaven."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Light Power

All that came into being...
...all the created worlds and all the ethereal entities that live in them, even the worlds that are mere emanations without tangible substance, even the worlds of thought and beyond to the realms of infinite light that preceded Creation...
--all this came to be only as a result of the thought of you, the earthly being, struggling in a world that only a infinitesimal glimmer of G-dliness has reached in its purity, bringing light where light could not be.
And so it follows, that with one simple act of beauty, all those worlds and realms of light find their purpose fulfilled, and so shine yet brighter--and reciprocate with a burst of illumination into our lowly world.
That is why the entire creation can be transformed with one simple, sincere deed.
Never underestimate the power of light.

The Path of Light

When He made the world, He made two ways to repair each thing: With harshness or with compassion. With a slap or with a caress. With darkness or with light.
And He looked at the light and saw that it was good. Darkness and harsh words may be necessary. But He never called them good.
Even if you could correct another person with harsh words, the One Above receives no pleasure from it. When He sees his creatures heal one another with caring and with kindness, that is when He shines His smile upon us.

T. Freeman