Sunday, November 28, 2010

Whenever chemists combine metals and minerals

"Whenever chemists combine metals and minerals to create alloys,
they are able to reverse the process later, using certain
procedures to undo what was previously combined. But alchemists
claim they know of a mineral and a metal which combine to
mutually absorb each other, producing the basis for the substance
from which the philosopher's stone is extracted, and that this
matter can no longer be broken down, as the combination is
This theory can only be understood when transposed to another
context. A child comes into the world as the result of the
encounter between its father and mother. But, now, how do you
break this child down, so to speak, to get back to its father on
the one hand and its mother on the other? It is impossible. The
child is a new entity, the product of a combination, which cannot
be undone so as to get back to its two parents. Thus, the
philosopher's stone is the child born of a mystic union."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Tous les problèmes de l'humanité

Tous les problèmes de l'humanité proviennent du fait que chacun défend son point de vue limité comme étant Vérité suprême. Mais la Vérité contient en elle tous les points de vue, tous émanent d'elle. C'est pourquoi la solution n'est pas dans l'affrontement des points de vue limités, mais dans leur harmonisation dans la Source-Vérité.
