Tuesday, October 25, 2011


When people want to free themselves from their humdrum workaday life, they go on vacation. They rent a cabin with half the rooms they have at home and sacrifice many of the conveniences they generally rely upon. They rough it. And then they feel free.

As it turns out, everybody agrees: When you let go of those material things you have become attached to, then you can start to be free.


Perpetual Struggle

Some think life is all about doing good and keeping away from evil. To them, struggle has no purpose of its own -- to have struggled is to have failed. Success, they imagine, is a sweet candy with no trace of bitterness.

They are wrong, very wrong. Struggle is an opportunity to reach the ultimate, when darkness itself becomes light. In the midst of struggle, an inner light is awakened. Light profound enough to overwhelm the darkness, encasing it and winning it over.

But if darkness never fights back, how will it ever be conquered?

T. Freeman

So many people complain about the bad conditions they are forced to live in

"So many people complain about the bad conditions they are forced
to live in! They feel they are victims of fate, of society, of
their boss, even of their family… No, they must understand that
first and foremost they are their own victims: they are the ones
who consciously or unconsciously created their present conditions
in life by having particular thoughts and feelings in their past
lives and taking the actions they took. If they alter their
behaviour and their state of mind, conditions will change in
their next life, and even in this one.
Yes, depending on your attitude, conditions can change now. So
long as you think your external, material situations are the
deciding factors and you improve nothing within yourself, you
will continue to attract the same deplorable conditions. But if
you give priority to the spirit, to light and strength, your
conditions will eventually be modelled on these divine
principles. Since what is below is like what is above, in time
what is above will also be realized below."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov