Friday, August 12, 2011

Les hommes veulent aller vers Dieu, mais aller vers Dieu, c'est la mort

Les hommes veulent aller vers Dieu, mais aller vers Dieu, c'est la mort : tu disparais dans le néant. Si demain Dieu descendait sur la terre, il n'y aurait plus de terre, il n'y aurait plus rien. On parle du Père créateur, mais le Père n'a jamais créé le monde, c'est la Mère qui l'a fait. Tout cela est un seul corps, le corps de la Mère dont les hommes font partie intégrante. Et ce corps est parfait : « Dieu vit tout ce qu'il avait fait : cela était très bon. » (Genèse 1:31) Et la perfection de tout cela est que dans la non-existence nous pouvons remonter vers l'existence, vers l'immortalité.


"If your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light".

"Just as we possess sense organs, enabling us to make contact with
the physical world, so too we possess subtle organs and centres,
enabling us to make contact with the spiritual world. These
centres, which have different names depending on the tradition,
are like antennae connecting us to heavenly entities.
When Jesus said, ‘If your eye is healthy, your whole body will
be full of light’, he was referring to one of these centres. From
the point of view of physiology, it is absurd to say that the
state of the body depends on the state of the eyes, and anyway
Jesus was speaking not of our eyes but of one eye. This eye, upon
which the whole body depends, is the centre through which heaven
touches the earth within us. And this eye not only sees but can
also understand, feel and even act, for it contains all the other
organs’ possibilities in potential."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

The Night Will Shine

There will come a time when the wolf will lie with the lamb, when the night will shine, when those who have died shall live.

But the wolf will be a wolf, the night will still be night, and the experience of death shall remain the opposite of life.

For all these God made for His glory.
