Monday, November 8, 2010

La véritable certitude est un don du coeur.

La véritable certitude est un don du coeur. Celui qui n'a pas touché son coeur n'est sûr de rien. Il croit qu'il a des certitudes sur un grand nombre de questions, alors qu'un rien suffit à le faire douter. Celui qui base sa vie sur l'impersonnel, celui-là connaît le diamant de la certitude.

The Human Ego

When I look at others,
My ego evokes envy and hate
and desire to control.
I don’t wish others well,
or at least, not better than me.
I want them to succeed a little,
a relative success,
but I want everyone to see that I am more successful.

Our nature, through which we sense the world and ourselves alive and
operating in it, is a program that depicts a certain reality for us.
It is called “Ego”—the will to receive and to enjoy by myself and for myself,
even when it is at the expense of others.
This software locks us from within, immerses us within it, draws all of our
attention, and actually compels us to focus solely on ourselves.
We operate according to this program and cannot even contemplate the
existence of another reality.

We must not destroy anything within us.
Even the most negative attributes should remain.
We do not create anything new,
but only correct how we use
what already exists within us.


Michael Laitman PHD

This Marathon Has Run Its Course

We may think we have everything, but everything no longer satisfies us.
We are still playing the game and chasing transient goals, which we envision
as pleasures such as money, honors, and power. After all, what else is there to
do in this life?
We look at each other and thoughtlessly follow the current trend. We say to
ourselves, “If I behave like everyone else, I’ll feel good.” Then, we choose a
certain vague, agreeable goal and chase it, hoping to escape the emptiness.
We must be constantly preoccupied or the eternal questions will haunt us:
“What am I living for? What’s happening with my life?”
But sooner or later, the point in our hearts will awaken and we will not be
able to focus on mundane issues.
Suddenly, we will understand that this chase was prearranged in order to
distract our minds from what is most important.
As long as we closed our eyes to avoid truly seeing, we could run along with
the crowd.
But we have exhausted our strength. While everyone else is still racing, we
have dropped out. It is simply not appealing anymore; in fact, we find it
Our will has deepened so much, it no longer allows us to settle for mundane
goals. This is when we begin the quest for a higher goal.

Michael Laitman PHD

Le pouvoir royal a pour insigne le sceptre et le globe.

"Le pouvoir royal a pour insigne le sceptre et le globe. Chaque
fois qu’un personnage est représenté avec un sceptre dans la main
droite et un globe dans la main gauche, on sait qu’il s’agit d’un
personnage royal. Mais que connaît-on de la signification
profonde de ces deux objets ? Et les monarques eux-mêmes la
connaissent-ils vraiment ?
On considère généralement que le sceptre est le symbole de
l’autorité et le globe celui du territoire sur lequel s’exerce
cette autorité. En réalité, cela va encore plus loin. Le sceptre
et le globe représentent l’activité des deux principes masculin
et féminin. Le principe masculin est toujours symbolisé par une
ligne droite (un sceptre, un caducée, une lance, une épée, un
pilier, un arbre), et par la main droite. Et le principe féminin
est symbolisé par une ligne courbe (tout objet creux ou arrondi,
une sphère, un vase, une coupe ou encore un abîme, une grotte),
et par la main gauche. Tenir le sceptre et le globe signifie que
l’on comprend les deux principes et qu’on sait travailler avec

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

It is quite pointless arguing about whether or not God exists!

"It is quite pointless arguing about whether or not God exists! It
is quite simple, actually. For the non-believer, it is true, God
does not exist, for it depends on us whether things exist or not.
When you are asleep, even if all the treasures of the world are
heaped around you, since you are not aware of them it is as if
they didn't exist. That is the way almost all humans are, deep in
sleep, the sleep of unawareness. Only the initiates, because they
are truly awakened beings, see the splendours all around them and
delight in them. Everyone else has the same riches around them
and within them, but they are unaware of it. 
So it all depends on one's state of consciousness. When you are
awake, certain things become a reality, but when you fall asleep
they are erased. It is the same with God: if you are asleep, you
do not feel him, and you say he does not exist. But if you wake
up, you will feel that God is there, alive within you and around

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Inspiration Aside

Yesterday, you were inspired.
Today, that is all gone.
And so, you are depressed.

But this is the way the system works: Everything begins with inspiration.
Then the inspiration steps aside
—to make room for you to do something with it.

For fire to become deeds.

T. Freeman

Prayers, fasting, ablutions and so on

"Prayers, fasting, ablutions and so on, in fact all the practices
recommended by religions throughout the world, serve to prepare
people to receive the currents and messages from heaven
correctly. Actually, the main thing is not the practices
themselves but the willingness to undertake an inner work of
self-examination and purification so as to improve one's
thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
Those who are not determined to carry out this work would do
better to leave spirituality alone; otherwise they will become a
danger to themselves and others. As long as we have not rid
ourselves of certain prejudices and bias, there is nothing more
dangerous than religious practices: they give those who do them
the illusion that they are messengers, instruments of heaven.
Thus we have seen people become torturers of their family or even
of their people. Only those who have worked to become selfless
and loving toward others are able to hear and pass on messages
from heaven."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Time changes not, but all things change in time.

Time changes not,
but all things change in time.
For time is the force
that holds events separate,
each in its own proper place.
Time is not in motion,
but ye move through time 
as your consciousness
moves from one event to another.
Aye, by time yet exist, all in all,
an eternal ONE existence.
Know ye that even though in the time ye are separate,
yet still are ONE, in all times existent.

The Key of Time
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth


This goal, when will we reach it?

It was once far, but now it is near.

When will we hold it in our hands?

When we will open our eyes to see it is already here.
