Thursday, August 4, 2011

‘Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.’

"The busyness of the bee and the ant, the piercing gaze of the
eagle, the regal demeanour of the lion, the patience of the ox,
the strength and memory of the elephant, the loyalty of the dog –
the list of qualities that animals have come to symbolize could
go on and on.
Animals are God’s creatures just as humans are and also have
things to teach us, and it is not without reason that some
animals have been elevated to the rank of divinities in certain
religions. Animals do possess particular characteristics,
character traits, which can find an echo in humans, awakening
beneficial qualities in them. And Jesus, who said, ‘Be perfect as
your heavenly Father is perfect’ also said, ‘Be wise as serpents
and innocent as doves.’ "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints that parents endeavour to pass on to their children are not always the best

"The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints that parents endeavour to
pass on to their children are not always the best, I agree. But
when children criticize their parents and behave in a harsh and
insolent manner, is that a good attitude to have? No, it isn’t.
Even if they find out one day that they cannot entirely trust
their parents, it does not give them the right to show contempt.
If they do not follow their parents’ example or continue to
accept their philosophy, that is their right, but they must not
reject them.
And this rule also holds outside the family. Just because your
opinion is different from someone else’s does not give you the
right to reject them – on the contrary. If they are wrong in your
eyes, it is an added reason for being kind and understanding
towards them. But within the family, this rule is a must: even if
they disagree with their parents, children should never stop
respecting and loving them."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

"La vérité vous rendra libres"

Le mensonge est la pire chose qui existe, c'est une dégradation, une chute, un asservissement. La vérité, au contraire, est quelque chose qui nous rend libres, comme l'a dit le Christ : « La vérité vous rendra libres. » (Jean 8:32) La vérité est au-dessus de tout. Elle est universelle, elle appartient à ceux qui l'aiment et qui la suivent. La vérité nous libère parce qu'alors nous pouvons reconnaître que nous sommes faibles. Nous pouvons nous débarrasser de notre orgueil et admettre que nous sommes des mendiants, que nous avons peur d'un tas de choses, que nous sommes esclaves de nos pensées et de tout ce monde autour de nous dont nous avons perdu le contrôle.