Friday, October 22, 2010

"The physical world, the spiritual world and the divine world... or, form, content and meaning

"The physical world, the spiritual world and the divine world...
or, form, content and meaning... or, again, the world of facts,
the world of laws and the world of principles: it is always the
same trinity - body, soul and spirit. Spirit corresponds to the
divine world, the soul to the spiritual world and the body to the
physical world. So, the soul comes between matter and spirit; it
is an agent, a vehicle that conveys elements from heaven to earth
and earth to heaven. Everything that comes down and everything
that rises passes through the soul. Spirit can only reach
downwards, and matter can only reach upwards, but the soul moves
up and down between the two. This is why spirit only has power
over matter if it passes through the soul.
Look at what happens in nature: the sun cannot act directly on
the earth; it needs agents, in this case, air and water. In the
same way, our spirit cannot touch our physical body directly; it
needs an agent - the soul."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Not the Body

Remember you are not the body. Neither are you the animal that pounds within the body, demanding its way in every thing. You are a Godly soul.
Do not confuse the pain and struggle of the body with the joy and purity of the Godly soul.


Purposeful, But Hated

There is nothing—no thing or event—that must be, that forces itself upon God. All is deliberate, all has intent and purpose. And the ultimate good is hidden in that purpose.

Nevertheless, our God is a God that creates things He does not desire. Things about which we scream, sometimes in horror, sometimes in indignant outrage, "Why did You do this? How could You?!"

And all we receive is a silent tear from heaven.

Yet even the things He does not desire, they too have purpose.

T. Freeman

"Do I have a responsibility to make the whole world beat to my drum?"

"Do I have a responsibility to make the whole world beat to my drum?" No, nor could you. You beat your drum, and the Universe will respond to the drum that you are beating… There are as many different worlds being lived by as many different perceivers of the world as there are perceivers of the worlds.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Phoenix, AZ on Saturday, March 19th, 2005 #401

Tant que les hommes pensent ...

« Tant que les hommes pensent qu'ils acquerront la sagesse, le savoir en se tournant vers des mondes supérieurs, ils demeureront dans l'illusion. Car c'est dans les racines que l'on peut trouver notre identité, notre fondement, notre chemin vers la Lumière et la grandeur. Celui qui veut aller vers le monde divin sans racine n'ira nulle part, il n'ira que vers une illusion, un rêve de Lumière. C'est le grand piège dans lequel tombent les spiritualistes en général. Ils pensent qu'aller vers les mondes supérieurs est facile puisqu'il suffit de les imaginer pour les voir avec des couleurs magnifiques, dans un monde de beauté et de fantaisie où tout ce que l'homme projette devient réel. »

O. Manitara

Is harmony one note that everybody is singing?

Is harmony one note that everybody is singing? Or is it a whole lot of notes that are in vibrational harmony with each other? When you give your attention to anything, the Universe responds to it. When two of you are giving your attention to it, and there is no contradiction, it is a powerful vortex. That's why a gathering such as this can achieve a great deal as you come together in greater and greater harmony and take thought beyond that which it has been before.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, April 25th, 1999 #399

Each morning as you wake up

"Each morning as you wake up, tell yourself that there is nothing
more important than living today well. In a way, the past is
always alive and is still affecting your present, but you don't
have to allow it to take over. It is the present you must
empower, so that it can control the past and even bring it down
in order to change it. When the past was the present, it was
all-powerful. Now that it is the past, it is subject to the
present, and the present now has its say. The past is gone, and
the future is still to come. It is up to the present to impose
its will, so that it may transform the past and give direction to
the future."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

les ondines

Dans la Tradition, les êtres qui habitent l'eau, mais également par symbiose les plantes, ont été appelés : les ondines. Cela signifie qu'une plante ne vit pas simplement dans une sphère physique et visible mais également dans le monde magique, subtil. Elle a une âme dans un monde beaucoup plus fin, éthéré, proche de l'eau. Ainsi, peut on prendre conscience que l'eau n'est pas uniquement physique mais qu'elle a une contrepartie dans d'autres mondes. De ce fait, il est aisé de comprendre que si l'on peut empoisonner l'eau physique, on peut aussi salir, dénaturer l'eau magique, l'eau aurique avec des pensées, des sentiments, des états d'âme qui ne sont pas clairs. Ce processus est intimement lié au monde végétal. »

O. Manitara

A promise is like a signature

"A promise is like a signature; it binds you until you have
fulfilled what you promised. And not just the promises you made
before heaven; even the ones you make down here to human beings
must be kept. If you leave this world without having had time to
achieve what you committed to, you will have to come back to keep
your promise. Not even God himself will release you from this
promise; only the person to whom you made it can do so.
A man promises a woman that he will marry her... He may find out
one day that he's not cut out for marriage but rather for serving
the Lord. Well, he must get the woman to agree to release him
from his promise, and if she refuses there is no point in his
turning to the Lord, for he will answer, 'Since you promised, I
can do nothing. I know you wish to serve me, but you have plenty
of time. First get married. You can also serve me while you are

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

The thought that you think

The thought that you think, you think, which attracts to it; so you think it some more, which attracts to it; so you think it some more. In other words, when you have an expectation, you've got a dominant thought going on, and Law of Attraction is going to deliver that to you again, and again and again. And you say "The reason that I believe this, is because it is true." And we say, the reason that you believe it, is because you've practiced the thought. All that a belief is, is a thought that you keep practicing.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Indianapolis., IN on Tuesday, May 28th, 2002 #410