Thursday, January 26, 2012

Treasure Island

Our souls are in exile within our bodies. Our people is in exile within a foreign world. And so there are two things we must know:

That this is not our place. 
And that hidden treasure lies buried here; for God dwells in darkness.

If we only remember that this is not our place, we may remain strong, we may even shine in the darkness. But what profit will there be from our exile?

And if we only remember that treasure lies here, we will begin to believe that this is our place, and if so, of what use is the treasure?

T. Freeman

I Versus I

There are times you must be like a reed in the wind.
And there are times you must face it like an iron wall.

When it comes to matters that lie at the surface, then “I hold like this” and “my opinion is like this” stand in the way of harmony and peace. Every such “I” is the very root and source of evil.

But when it comes to matters that touch your essence and core, the purpose for which you were placed in this world, then you must be an iron wall. Then you must say, “On this, I cannot budge.”

Liberated from its thick shell of ego, empowered and emboldened, the essential self breaks through the concrete, blossoms and flourishes.

T. Freeman

The Boundless Leaf

What is a leaf? A leaf is boundlessness compressed within a boundless context.

It is boundless because its very existence is an act of a Creator who knows no bounds, who can extrude an endless number of leaves in endless variety out of the nothingness.

It is boundless in design, containing a wisdom that may be studied for endless lifetimes and yet never depleted.

It is boundless in form, for there is nothing about it that can ever be measured and stored with perfect accuracy, nothing of its future that can be predicted with precision.

And it lies within a context that is boundless, the boundless destiny of all creation: that the Unknowable should be made known from its hiding place within a single leaf.

T. Freeman