Friday, June 17, 2011

If you allow your thinking to be wasted

"If you allow your thinking to be wasted, day in, day out, on all
kinds of trivialities, do not be surprised if you come up against
great difficulties, when you come to meditate and connect with
the light. So many people complain, ‘Oh, it is so difficult to
concentrate on a spiritual subject! I am constantly invaded by
all kind of thoughts and feelings that take me elsewhere.’ And
there have even been dramatic cases of this. In meditation you
come face to face with yourself, and some people are so
overwhelmed and caught unawares by the nature of the impressions
and currents moving through them, they imagine these are being
sent to them by other people, who are ill-intentioned and out to
harm them. But attributing the turmoil you feel to an external
cause solves nothing.
Because of the way people lead their lives, they create within
themselves chaotic thoughts and feelings, which they then
increase and magnify. In the normal course of life, they may not
realize this; it is only when at last they fall silent and want
to stop and connect to the light that they feel invaded by all
kinds of undesirable presences. But they should not delude
themselves: they have attracted them. So begin by looking within
for the cause of your difficulties, and work to control your
thoughts: you will eventually get the better of them."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

When you see how some people understand love

"When you see how some people understand love, how they express it
and what methods they use to obtain it, you realize they are
already dabbling in black magic without being aware of it.
If you set out to seduce someone, it implies that you wish to
impose yourself on them, to exert a form of violence over them,
and no one has that right; heaven does not allow it. But when
love takes a hold of some people, they are not interested in
knowing whether the one they love also loves them. They want to
be loved at any cost, and then they are capable of anything and
will even indulge in casting spells. But I am warning you never
to do that, for you will be engaging with demonic forces, and
once they have served you they will some day turn against you."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Il y a une relation particulière entre le monde visible et le monde invisible

Il y a une relation particulière entre le monde visible et le monde invisible, un lien de cause à effet. Pour chaque manifestation visible il y a une cause invisible et pour chaque cause il y a bien souvent un effet visible. Ainsi, les deux mondes du visible et de l'invisible agissent l'un sur l'autre. Le monde sacré, immuable, éternel est le point d'équilibre.

Chaque être humain, animal, plante, pierre est entouré d'une aura qui lui permet d'avoir sa propre destinée et de communiquer avec son environnement.

Chaque être humain, animal, plante, pierre est entouré d'une aura qui lui permet d'avoir sa propre destinée et de communiquer avec son environnement. Le but est que cette aura baigne dans la grande aura de Lumière et d'énergie. C'est la religion universelle. Lorsqu'un homme a éveillé cette aura et qu'il a tous les organes pour le manifester, il devient un artisan de paix, un transmetteur, un créateur. À son contact, l'éveil devient possible. Lorsqu'un tel homme est sur la terre, tous les temples peuvent de nouveau être activés. Alors, c'est la floraison de la culture, de la paix, de la richesse. 

Heaven Above, Man Below

Heaven above and the soul of man below are two halves of a single form, two converse hemispheres that fit together to make a perfect whole.
Attuned in perfect consonance, they dance a pas de deux of exquisite form, each responding to every subtle nuance of the other, mirroring and magnifying the most subliminal inner thought, until it is impossible to distinguish them as two.
Within the human being is the consciousness of God looking back upon Himself from within the world He has made.
We sit upon the vortex of Creation.