Saturday, October 30, 2010

What does the heart seek?

"What does the heart seek? It needs neither knowledge nor powers.
It aspires to happiness, the happiness it experiences as
expansion and can only find in warmth, that is, in love. It is
there, in love, that the heart becomes animated and is
revitalized. And so it seeks that warmth everywhere, in all
beings, while the cold kills it.
You can offer the heart all the riches, all the powers and even
all the secrets of the universe, and it will say, 'No, that is
not what I need, give me love. I want to be loved, but above all
I want to love!' So, know that with love all your wishes will
come true, because that love will awaken all the divine seeds in
your heart and be food for them."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Children coming forth today have a greater capacity to deal with the greater variety of information that is coming forward

Children coming forth today have a greater capacity to deal with the greater variety of information that is coming forward than you did. They deliberately are coming forth into this environment where there is more to contemplate. This generation gap that you are talking about, it has ever been thus. Each new generation, every new individual, that comes forth, is coming with you having prepared a different platform for them to proceed from. There is this thing that gets in the way of that that says, "I'm the parent. I got here first. I know more than you do." From the children's perspective, and from the purity of their Nonphysical Perspective, what they are saying is, "You're the parent. You got here first. You prepared a platform that I am leaping off from -- and my leap will be beyond anything that you have ever known."

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, February 27th, 1999 #395

Christians know that the communion bread and wine represent the body and the blood of Christ ...

"Christians know that the communion bread and wine represent the
body and the blood of Christ, but few of them have looked into
these symbols, which correspond to the two great cosmic
principles - the masculine (bread) and the feminine (wine) - at
work in all regions of the universe. Bread and wine are two solar
symbols. We must look beyond the bread and wine of the Last
Supper and see the sun's two properties of light and warmth,
which bring about life. The light of the sun is wisdom, and its
warmth is love. That is what Jesus was implying when he said,
'Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life.'
Therefore we must eat the body of Christ - wisdom - and drink his
blood - love - in order to be transformed.
It is so important to go deeper into the meaning of the images
and rites presented to us by religions! The day Christians become
accustomed to taking communion each morning with that great host,
the rising sun, and with the wine of its warmth, they will
experience eternal life. For the sun is alive."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Dans notre corps

« Dans notre corps, il y a les pierres, les plantes qui montrent le chemin de la beauté, de l'enracinement et de la floraison ; les animaux qui montrent le chemin de l'horizon vaste et infini, de la communion avec le Tout ; l'homme qui apporte la noblesse, la pensée plus haute ; l'Ange qui conduit tout dans la force et la vertu ; l'Archange qui manifeste et fait régner toutes les lois et la sagesse du Père ; enfin le Dieu, la Divinité qui est la splendeur et la victoire absolue de tout ce qui est beau et grand. Alors, il est possible de s'approcher du Père. » 

O. Manitara

Jesus came to earth and shed his blood for the salvation of humanity

"Jesus came to earth and shed his blood for the salvation of
humanity - this is what Christians state. Yes, Jesus is 'the
Saviour' but not in the way they understand it. For if they were
truly saved, why are human beings, Christians included, still
just as weak, selfish and mean? Why do they destroy themselves
and their fellow beings? Jesus' sacrifice, therefore, has a
wholly different meaning.
At the time when Jesus came into incarnation, the psychic
pathway from earth to heaven was obstructed. All the shameful
deeds, all the criminal thoughts and feelings, all the raging
passions of earlier generations had caused a host of monstrous
creatures to thrive on the astral plane, preventing all but a few
exceptional human beings from making spiritual progress. And so
Jesus sacrificed himself to clear the way; by shedding his blood,
he satisfied the appetite of all those monsters, and it is an
infinitely greater sacrifice than we can imagine. From that time
on, the path was open for all. But each individual has to make
the effort to walk along it. The path is free, but it is up to us
to travel it if we are to be saved."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Pour subsister dans le plan physique ...

"Pour subsister dans le plan physique, les humains doivent

recevoir de l’extérieur tout ce dont ils ont besoin ; ils ne
pourraient pas vivre sans les éléments qui leur sont donnés par
l’eau, l’air, le soleil, la terre. Ils sont des créatures, et
toutes les créatures, toute la création est obligée de recevoir
de l’extérieur ce qui lui est nécessaire pour continuer à vivre.
Seul le Créateur échappe à cette loi, Il n’a besoin de rien
d’extérieur à Lui puisqu’Il est la vie.
Et comme le Créateur a laissé une particule de Lui-même dans
chaque créature, une étincelle, un esprit qui est de la même
nature que Lui, grâce à cet esprit qui l’habite, chaque créature
peut, elle aussi, devenir créatrice. Au lieu de toujours tout
attendre de l’extérieur, l’être humain a le pouvoir d’agir
intérieurement par sa pensée, sa volonté, son esprit et capter
les éléments dont il a besoin pour se nourrir physiquement, mais
surtout psychiquement. C’est pourquoi l’enseignement des Initiés
a toujours été l’enseignement de l’esprit créateur, et celui qui
accepte cet enseignement sera toujours fort, indépendant, car il
s’élèvera au-dessus des conditions que lui impose la destinée."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Every joy, every happiness, has to be paid for one way or another.

"Every joy, every happiness, has to be paid for one way or
another. Only when you have returned to the cosmic ocean for good
will you have nothing further to pay. When you are immersed in
that ocean, who is there to pay? But if you come out of it, you
have to pay for the slightest drop. You will have seen this so
many times! After joy always comes sorrow. And you even come to
expect it - when you have experienced great happiness, something
tells you sorrow is lying in wait.
Many people are fearful when they are very happy, and with good
reason. But while we can never wholly avoid trouble from the
outside world, at least we can protect ourselves inwardly. And
the only truly effective protection is our connection with
heaven. When you are connected with heaven and surrender to its
will, you are one with it, and then you have nothing left to pay
inwardly. Does God owe anybody anything? No, everything belongs
to him, and if you live in God everything will belong to you,

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

ou meet up with someone for a chat or a meal together ...

"You meet up with someone for a chat or a meal together, or to
discuss a possible job: more often than not you start by shaking
hands, and so you create a connection. One hand represents the
masculine, emissive principle and the other, the feminine,
receptive. If you both make this gesture consciously, each hand
plays its part, and the result is an active harmony.
Two people who shake hands show they wish to understand each
other, to agree to walk the same path. Yes, provided that,
symbolically, the energy of one hand is positive, the other
negative. When both hands (that is, both people) are active and
positive, they can only come into conflict. When both hands
(again, both people) are passive, they will do nothing. The act
of shaking hands always implies the wish to bring about ordered
activity - it means 'I want to try having exchanges with you;
let's see if we can work together.' But how many people come
together with no concern about understanding the language of
hands! They should not be surprised if their undertaking ends in

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov