Saturday, April 2, 2011

Insufficient Understanding

Let's say you saw a magnificent machine, with hundreds of thousands of parts, all working in spectacular unison and harmony, far beyond anything the human mind could contrive.
And you examined the details of this machine and found that some aspects of its workings puzzle you. Would you complain to the inventor? Or would you pray in awe for understanding?

In general, the universe's wondrous design is obvious. We just have to admit insufficient understanding of certain aspects.

The World At Your Feet

Why are the lives of the sages filled with miracles?
Whoever opens his mind to Truth and labors over it day and night, he is the awakened mind of the cosmos--for through him the Infinite Light enters this world. And so, nature bows to him, the angels wait upon him and everything is arranged to serve his mission.

Faith & Experience

Faith is not the result of experience.
On the contrary, faith is an act that comes from within andcreates experience.
Things happen because you trust they will.

Normal Miracles

These things people call amazing coincidences, synchronicity, small miracles -- this is the way the world is supposed to work.
It is only that the world is in slumber, like a sleeping person who does not see, does not hear, does not speak -- so that nothing distinguishes his head from his feet, his heart from his brain. So too, the world lies deep in a dream where anything is possible, but nothing seems to have a goal. Where only chaos reigns.
It takes only one person to open his eyes, his ears, his mind and his heart and the objects of this world fall into place and work together as a single whole. Synchronized. As they were meant to be.

Miraculous Failure

An open miracle is somewhat of a disappointment for God.
Once all is said and done, He got His way only by ignoring the norms of our lower world, by breaking His own rules. 
If He can perform miracles only by bullying Nature, He may as well concede that our world is a place the Infinite Light does not belong.

So He also makes another sort of miracle-the sort that blends seamlessly into the order of things below. 
These are impossible miracles: They break no rules, but change everything.

In truth, they are the most awesome of miracles-these that reveal the Infinite unrestrained within the nature of everyday things.


"Laughing does not necessarily mean being carefree, frivolous and
irresponsible. Laughing can actually have a more beneficial
effect on the mind than wearing a serious, reflective expression,
which many think makes them look wise. This is because laughter
has a lively energy that nourishes the brain.
Laughing also helps you to get back on your feet, to bounce
back. It’s true that everyone’s life has events that are no
laughing matter to begin with, and it is normal to be worried and
upset about them initially, but if you get used to seeing the
funny side of certain situations it makes it easier for you not
to become overwhelmed. So, never miss a chance to laugh, for it
is a powerful way of maintaining your equanimity and easing
situations. Just because you have reasons for being upset, sad
and discouraged does not mean you should be willing to remain in
that state. "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

With everything you undertake, try to begin well

"With everything you undertake, try to begin well, for the way the
process unfolds will depend on what you put in place at the
beginning. Yes, but to put a good beginning in place you must
already have been able to finish properly what came before. This
rule applies in all areas of life.
When you begin a task, try to give it the same attention, the
same care, all the way through. Also when you form new
friendships, new relationships, stay aware, so that what began
with smiles, warm words, gifts and embraces does not end in
confrontations. For, anything that ends badly affects future
encounters and undertakings."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Be aware that the spoken word is powerful and effective

"Adults claim to love their children and be concerned about their
upbringing, but they do not always know how to behave with them,
and in particular they are not careful in the way they speak to
them. So many parents and educators constantly tell them they are
useless, stupid, and so on, and the children, influenced by
suggestion, as if hypnotized, after a while really do become
stupid and incompetent.
Be aware that the spoken word is powerful and effective, and
what parents say to their children can affect them badly, block
them and frighten them. To make them comply or keep quiet, is it
really necessary to threaten them with the wolf, the policeman,
the devil or who knows what? These children could well feel under
threat and insecure for the rest of their lives; this could
explain certain neuroses in adults. There are many things adults
need to correct about their attitude toward children; otherwise,
what they call an upbringing will really only be a bringing down."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

La science initiatique nous enseigne que Dieu n'a pas créé l'homme

La science initiatique nous enseigne que Dieu n'a pas créé l'homme ; il a seulement rendu cette création possible et c'est à chacun de réaliser cette pos-sibilité en actes, de même qu'une cerise contient en elle-même l'image du cerisier qu'elle peut devenir ainsi que l'image de tous les cerisiers qui peuvent par la suite sortir d'elle. Le cerisier a mis dans la cerise la vie absolue en possibilité, mais seule la cerise peut réaliser cette vie en actes. L'homme possède en lui l'image de son Père céleste et de sa Mère divine et c'est cette image qu'il doit réaliser en actes par le développement de ses facultés et par la maîtrise de sa vie et de son avenir.
O. Manitara