Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thoughts about Pain

Pain is the body’s reaction to various bodily disruptions. Pain warns of
danger, forces us to take action—to move closer or farther, to find the cause of
the pain, to draw conclusions and to move on to new states.
Pain is a force that affects our ego.
There is pain because I feel bad, because others feel bad, or because others feel
Pain “pushes” from behind and forces us to evolve.
Pain that stems from feeling empty pulls us forward to fulfillment.
All feelings stem from conflict, contact, and pressure—from pain.
Pleasure can be felt only after feeling pain, suffering or anticipation.
We overcome pain only when we rise above the ego. All of a sudden, we
realize that we can exist without lack, but with complete fulfillment, which is
not based on pain. It is fulfillment

A Field of Love

The Creator is a spiritual field of love and bestowal.
We move within in it by shifting our desires, while constantly being at the
point of resemblance to this field.
Initially, we are opposite from the field; we are in its outermost circle, called “This
To the extent of our level of desire to draw nearer to the center, to the quality of the
Creator of love and bestowal, we evoke the influence of this field upon us, and it
shifts our position.
Accordingly, it is clear that we cannot ask the Creator to change His attitude toward
us or hope for any special favors on His part. It is as pointless as asking gravity not
to affect our bodies.
The Creator is a force that is inconsiderate of our words, but considers instead our
innermost desires.


The Creator—Come and See

Various religions depict the Creator as something outside of us. But Kabbalah
explains that it is forbidden to imagine the Creator as an image of any kind,
that the Creator is a quality that exists within each of us.
The Creator is the quality of love and bestowal. The meaning of the word
“Creator” (Borre in Hebrew) is “Come and See” (Bo u Re’e), meaning come and
discover this quality within you.
There is no external, foreign element for whom we work! We work on
correcting ourselves, on attaining the qualities of love and giving, the Creator.
Around two thousand years ago, we lost the feeling of the Creator—we were
exiled and lost the true picture of the world. We began to think that the
Creator was someone who existed separately from us, rather than a quality
that appeared within us.
Instead of depicting the Creator as the primary and foremost quality of
Creation, which clothes within us, we began to think of Him as a separate and
foreign entity.


The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

Behold, that before the emanations were emanated and the creatures were
The upper simple light had filled the whole existence.
And there was no vacancy, such as an empty atmosphere, a hollow, or a
But all was filled with simple, boundless light.
And there was no such part as head, or tail,
But everything was simple, smooth light, balanced evenly and equally,
And it was called the Endless Light.
And when upon His simple will, came the desire to create the world and
emanate the emanations,
To bring to light the perfection of His deeds, His names, His appellations,
Which was the cause of the creation of the worlds,
He then restricted Himself, in the middle,
Precisely in the center,
He restricted the light.
And the light drew far off to the sides around that middle point.
And there remained an empty space, a vacuum
Circling the middle point.
And the restriction had been uniform
Around the empty point,
So that the space
Was evenly circled around it.
There, after the restriction,
Having formed a vacuum and a space
Precisely in the middle of the endless light,
A place was formed,
Where the emanated and the created might reside.
Then from Endless Light a single line hung down,
Lowered down into that space.
And through that line, He emanated, formed,
Created all the worlds.
Before these four worlds came to be
There was one infinite, one name, in wondrous, hidden unity,
That even for the closest of the angles
There is no attainment in the endless,
As there is no mind that can perceive it,
For He has no place, no boundary, no name.

the "ARI"

La joie véritable

La joie véritable ne peut émaner que de la rencontre avec la paix profonde et permanente. Cette joie, le monde ne la connaît pas. Seuls les disciples authentiques peuvent s'en approcher.

How can we know God, since what is limited cannot know what is limitless?

"How can we know God, since what is limited cannot know what is
limitless? Not through our five senses, certainly. We will know
God when we enter his immensity, when we merge with him, when we
become part of him. As long as a drop of water is separate from
the ocean, it cannot know it, but when it returns to the ocean it
can no longer be made separate; it has become the ocean, and it
knows the ocean.
So, as long as human beings remain like separate drops, they
cannot understand the immensity and infinity of God. They have to
merge, fuse with him and become lost in him. This is how they
come to know him, because they become him, they are him. But
until then they will remain outside of God, and they will
continue to wonder about his existence."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov