Friday, March 11, 2011

We are all captives of our egoistic nature

We are all captives of our egoistic nature. Freeing ourselves means to 
overstep the limits of our world and enter the Upper Reality. Since we 
are entirely in this world’s grip, we can get free only if, in spite of our 
natural egoistic environment, we artificially surround ourselves with 
people, who share our views and aspirations, and fall under the power of 
the environment ruled by the laws of the Upper World. Freeing ourselves 
from the egoistic bonds and revealing the property of bestowal is our 
realization of free will. 
Freedom of Will 
Rav Michael Laitman, PhD 

The existence in our body is very central

The existence in our body is very central and our body, with all of 
its demands, should not be disregarded. It is the correct relationship, 
the right combination of the world in which a person lives and the 
spirituality that is revealed to the person that determines the person’s 
behavior. That is why no one can judge anyone else by external 
appearance, since no one can know the other’s inner world and what is 
revealed there. 
Selected teachings of 
Rav Michael Laitman, PhD 

There are no miracles, and no one can help a person but himself

There are no miracles, and no one can help a person but himself. In the 
thousands of years that humanity has existed, no wonder-drug has been 
found that could change our situation. The reason for the pain is that we 
live in this world like blind kittens. We do not understand what it is we 
must do, what will become of us tomorrow, what impact our actions have 
and what the world around us really wants from us when it presses us 
The Open Book 
Michael Laitman, PhD 

What is described in the Bible (Torah)

When we study the Torah (Pentateuch, Bible) we must understand that all the 
words of the Torah and all other sacred books just appear to be words 
associated with our world. The words however represent spiritual objects and 
roots, which are under no circumstances connected to our world. There 
should be no confusion of these spiritual concepts and physical objects. The 
Torah contains the sacred names of the Creator, which represents the 
degrees of His attainment. This is similar to how we designate a name to an 
object in our world depending on how the object manifests itself to our 
senses. The entire Torah describes the levels of approaching and sensing the 
"The Secret Meaning of the Bible "

Wisdom & the Rebel

The rebel is far closer to wisdom than the complacent child -as an ox is more powerful than a lamb. He only needs a wise person who can show him how to harness his strength and bring much good to the world.

Si tu cherches la Lumière

Si tu cherches la Lumière, va chercher ton être véritable au plus profond et apprends à vivre avec lui en toute simplicité, sans mensonge, sans masque. Apprends à être vrai, authentique et fidèle au monde divin. C'est un chemin difficile. Le monde est dangereux, avare de la Lumière authentique, empli de faussaires et de voleurs. Mais le monde ne peut te prendre ce que tu portes en toi de vrai, de travaillé, vécu consciemment. Alors éveille-toi dans le vrai. Rends conscient l'authentique. Confonds ce qui est faux. N'aie pas peur de le regarder et deviens réellement ce que tu portes.


Tout dans la nature nous parle d'abondance

 Tout dans la nature nous parle d'abondance. Mais lorsque l'homme pense à l'abondance, il ne prend en compte que le coté physique, visible et ne s'intéresse qu'à la richesse matérielle. Cette vision limitée l'a poussé à devenir un pillard et un destructeur de la nature.


Dig Deeper

Every person you meet has a wellspring deep inside.
If you can't find it, the fault is yours. Remove the rust from your shovel, sharpen its blade, and dig harder and deeper.


Helpful Knowledge

The very fact you know about someone who is in trouble means that in some way you are able to help. Otherwise, why would this knowledge have entered your world?

Fear of Joy

People are afraid of joy. They are afraid they'll get out of hand and lose control.
These people haven't experienced real joy - the joy that comes from doing something Godly and beautiful with all your heart. The fact is, there is nothing that will lift you higher. Where there is that joy, the Divine Presence can enter. Where there is that joy, there are no pits to fall into, and all obstacles evaporate into thin air.


Le renouveau est toujours apporté par le plus jeune.

Le renouveau est toujours apporté par le plus jeune, le plus petit, la semence qui contient en elle tout un monde. Être avec cette semence, c'est recevoir l'énergie, l'impulsion, la force qui régénèrent. Une graine est petite en apparence, mais elle contient en elle l'écriture et la structure de tout un monde. Ainsi en est-il de la pensée et de l'idée. La pensée est la terre des idées. À l'image d'une graine, une idée peut contenir un monde.

Circus acts

"  Some circus acts have a lot to teach us because of the ways
they resemble the battles humans must win in their inner life:
taming tigers, lions and panthers, making bears and elephants
dance, jumping through flaming hoops, juggling, leaping into
space and catching hold again, walking on a wire, and so on.
Let’s just take the example of tightrope walkers: to stay
balanced, they move with their arms outstretched or use a long
horizontal pole. They have constantly to correct their position –
to the right, to the left, a bit higher, a bit lower… Human
beings are in the same situation, for life is a tightrope, and if
they do not want to fall they have to keep thinking of adding a
little here, taking away a little there, to stay in balance.
Our centre of balance is in the ears, and symbolically wisdom is
connected with the ears. People are wise when they know how to
stay in balance, how to rectify any situation. And clearly, the
expression ‘rectify the situation’ shows that in life things
always tend to lean too far in one direction or another and that
each time we have to redress the balance. "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Givers & Takers

Our view of the world and its Creator's view are very different.
From our perspective, there is always a giver and a taker. Whether the merchandise be knowledge, affection, or money --somebody always comes out on top and the other on the bottom.
In the Creator's view, giver and taker are one. The taker is really giving and the giver receiving.
For without the opportunity to give, the giver would be forever imprisoned within his own self.

The physical matter we know is just one aspect of matter.

"The physical matter we know is just one aspect of matter. It is
not true matter – even chemists and physicists do not know what
that is. When they start breaking matter down, they merely note
that energy is released. If their tools were more sophisticated,
they would in fact discover that this matter has given way to
another finer, subtler matter, belonging to another realm.
But humans will never succeed in breaking down ultimate matter:
only God can do that. When he breaks matter down, it will return
to his bosom; nothing will exist anymore, and there will be
absolute silence, a cosmic night. Until then, matter disappears
the way clouds disappear. You will have seen it happen: a few
white clouds begin to form out of a uniformly clear blue sky.
Where have they come from? And a few moments later, they have
faded into space and are no longer visible, although they are
there. It is really the density of matter that changes; matter
itself does not disappear, for it is the complementary pole to
spirit. Even splitting the atom does not make matter disappear."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Humble Compassion

There is compassion that feeds the ego and there is compassion that humbles it.
Compassion that feeds the ego is a sense of pity for those who stand beneath you.
Compassion that humbles is born of a deeper understanding of the order of things:
When you understand that your fellow man is suffering in order that you may be privileged to help him
--then you are truly humbled.
