Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Captivity begins by believing that you are small and the world is big.
Once you believe that, next you are likely to believe it will step on you, and you fear it.
And then you come to obey it, then to run after it. And then you are it’s slave, thirsting for water for the soul but not even able to remember where to look for it.
To fear the world is to deny the Oneness of its Creator.



One who really cares is not placated by the fact that he has a good excuse.
If the goal was not achieved, it was not achieved --regardless of the excuse.


The Soul Grows Up

Ultimately, she finds there is something
even more momentous than herself.
There is her purpose.

To accomplish, to heal, to make better
—these, she discovers, take precedent over her very being.

And in that moment of discovery, she graduates
from being God's little child
to being God Himself.

T. Freeman

The spoken word gives human beings such power!

"The spoken word gives human beings such power! They need only
speak to obtain results comparable to those obtained by any other
material means: they can build or destroy, they can bring
together or divide, they can restore peace or start a war, they
can heal or bring about death. The power of the spoken word comes
from the fact that it is produced by the mouth, where both
principles - the masculine (the tongue) and the feminine (the two
lips) - work together to create a child (the spoken word). 
According to tradition, when the primitive androgyne was split
in two, in symbolic terms it could be said that the woman kept
the lips, the feminine principle, and the man the tongue, the
masculine principle. This is why, in order to find their original
power, they now endlessly seek each other so that they can be
united. Yes, this is the distant origin of the impulse that
causes men and women to seek each other out. In spite of the fact
that this search often takes the form of pleasure and
distraction, its deeper meaning is to return to the oneness of
the Word, the oneness of the creative principle, which is male
and female."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Parce que l’être humain se manifeste à travers un seul corps

"Parce que l’être humain se manifeste à travers un seul corps, son
corps physique, on a tendance à croire qu’il est habité par une
seule entité, et pourtant l’existence quotidienne ne cesse de
prouver le contraire. À tour de rôle viennent se manifester à
travers lui des entités totalement différentes, et c’est pourquoi
il peut apparaître successivement intelligent ou stupide,
bienveillant ou cruel, généreux ou avare, modeste ou
vaniteux, etc. Ce mélange d’éléments tellement disparates qui
constituent chaque être humain reste une énigme même pour les
philosophes et les psychologues. Et pourtant, cela s’explique
très simplement par le fait que dans cette existence, ou dans des
existences antérieures, c’est l’être humain lui-même qui a attiré
ces différentes entités.
Il ne faut donc pas vous étonner lorsque vous voyez quelqu’un
manifester des tendances ou avoir des réactions contradictoires.
Et en ce qui vous concerne, vous devez vous observer
attentivement pour bien discerner chaque fois quelle est l’entité
qui parle ou qui agit à travers vous. Ce n’est pas parce que vous
savez, à certains moments, vous conduire avec bonté ou sagesse
que vous êtes impeccable tout le reste du temps et que les autres
doivent toujours vous approuver."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

World peace

World peace, means one mindset big enough to make the decisions about what everybody else wants, and the rest of the world conforming. That is the ultimate definition of world peace. You say, "Oh, let's get along!" And what each of you mean is, "You do what I want." A peaceful world means, "Everybody wanting what I want. Going along with what I want." And the only problem with that is, there are more than one of you, and you have endless desires that are born within you. The ultimate experience is, everyone having their experience and launching their individual rockets of desire, and the Universe yielding to all of them simultaneously. And everybody not worrying about what anybody else created, and so, then allowing what they are wanting. What a world that is, when there are endless desirers, who are allowing the fulfillment of their own desires.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 10th, 2001 #369

Mission Impossible

We were not placed here to do the possible. Let the heavenly beings bring cause into effect, potential into actual. He did not breathe from His innermost depths into flesh and blood to achieve the facile and the ordinary.

We are here to achieve the impossible: To teach the world tricks it thinks it cannot do. To bring into its boundaries that which it cannot contain. To make the blind see, the deaf hear, darkness shine. To make everyday business into mystic union. To rip away the façade of the world and cause it to confess its conspiracy with the Divine.


Hiding Destiny

How did He make a world?

First, He thought to Himself, "I desire light. I desire love. I desire acts of kindness and beauty." And He saw that this was good.

Then, He made Himself forget that entire vision, blocked it from His mind, so to speak, as though it never was. And He made a world. As though that was the whole point, a world for the sake of being a world.

Only much later did He whisper in someone's ear, "Do you know the real purpose for which I made this world?"

Now you know why reality is hard and love is soft,
apathy flows with ease while kindness must climb mountains,
why light is always the intruder upon the boundless empire of darkness.

Yet, in the end, light is the hidden destiny of all that is.

T. Freeman

"divine madness."

The world is absurd. Ugly absurd.

To repair ugly absurdity, you can't just be normal. You need an alternative absurdity. A beautiful absurdity.

We call it "divine madness."

T. Freeman


On the other side of ecstasy lies a painful emptiness. On the other side of bitterness lies joy. Where one goes the other must follow.

In the ecstasy of understanding lies the gnawing pain of a new frontier of ignorance.

In the agony of yearning lies the ecstasy of love.

In the ecstasy of prayer lies the agony of smallness and distance before the infinite light.

There is no sweet song that is not equally bitter, save that which is shallow and meaningless.

He formed His world from delight and so must share in its bitterness. Until the time when darkness will shine.

T. Freeman