Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mission Impossible

We were not placed here to do the possible. Let the heavenly beings bring cause into effect, potential into actual. He did not breathe from His innermost depths into flesh and blood to achieve the facile and the ordinary.

We are here to achieve the impossible: To teach the world tricks it thinks it cannot do. To bring into its boundaries that which it cannot contain. To make the blind see, the deaf hear, darkness shine. To make everyday business into mystic union. To rip away the façade of the world and cause it to confess its conspiracy with the Divine.


1 comment:

  1. i wouldn't agree more on that. but when we evolve our own consciousness we will, not discover nor see, but LIVE the true meaning of the word "impossible" witch is absolutely nothing, cos we are simply do not know yet the great powers that the creator has giving us, and those powers are the true components of "HUMAN"- the scion of divinity.
